Mastery of Consciousness with Nandhiji

Nandhiji -108 Enlightened Mystic Teachings- One Minute Siddha Wisdom: Mastery of Consciousness


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108 One Minute Siddha Wisdom: Mastery of Consciousness
Life empowerments to master circumstances, body & mind.

Discover the ancient secrets to unlocking your spiritual potential and finding inner peace as we guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Embark on an exploration of divine wisdom, where the sacred teachings of Siddha and the insights of Adi Shankara light the path to enlightenment. In this episode, we delve into the powerful practices that connect us to the source, from channeling energy through our chakras to awakening the higher self and harnessing the bliss of Satchidananda.

Let your spirit soar as we share strategies to rise above life's tumult, drawing on the timeless wisdom of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the profound teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Our conversation reaches into the depths of consciousness, revealing how karma and dharma intertwine within our lives, and how meditation, mantra, and presence can sculpt a reality filled with harmony and joy. The wisdom imparted by our guests illuminates the power of now and teaches us to embrace each moment as a step towards our grandest potential.

As we conclude this soul-stirring session, we invite you to awaken the infinite grace within, to dance with the cosmic energies of karma and Dharma, and to attune your breath to the rhythm of the universe. Experience the joy of transforming from Siddhartha to Buddha, of elevating thought into wisdom, and of manifesting our inner light to its fullest brilliance. Join us as we celebrate life's ultimate masterpiece – the masterpiece of spirit and potential that resides within each one of us.

Mastery of Consciousness Siddha teachings- experiential wisdom of life, enlightenment and the journey to fulfill our highest purpose.

Speaker 1:

Stay divine beings. Our Siddha wisdom gives us the knowing of the Guru Chakra, the Chakra of empowerment. Take a deep inhale from the Mooladhara, the root chakra. Lift the energy up above the navel, straight in the lower spine. Open the heart chakra. Exhale gently from above the crown. Follow this process while walking, while sitting down, at all times, especially during daytime. By doing this, we activate a powerful energy that breaks the limit of our body and our mind and opens a third eye by default. Activate the master within each of us, the higher self. Namaste divine beings. Fear, worries, anxiety diminishes our core harmony, and yet it is an opportunity to reset the mind.

Speaker 1:

Let the mind be focused on single-pointedness in Source, union with the mantra fires Arise as the Spirit. Affirm that every thought of ours is for the highest good and it is pure wisdom of a pristine mind. Know that, in the vibrancy of whom we are, we are surrounded by light, always guided by Source and assisted and supported. Oh Namaswara, namaste divine beings, happy Thanksgiving, the day of gratitude. Our first gratitude is to our mother and father, our gurus. Pressing a left big toe down, take a deep inhale. Feeling the moon breath, feel our mother. And pressing the right big toe down, feel our father, the sun breath, rubbing both our palms. Feel the blessings of our parents, every cell in us in gratefulness. Feel seven generations of our ancestors behind us. Connect to the breath beyond breath. Light in gratefulness. Be the one as many as oneness of humanity. In gratefulness, namaste divine beings.

Speaker 1:

At all times, to expand consciousness, maintaining a mind of emptiness to receive is potent. Comprehend this. If there is a sun that is billions of times greater than our sun and our entire solar system was going around this sun, which is billions of light years away, we would not know it, we would not comprehend it. This vastness exists as potent possibilities in consciousness. When aligned to source we receive. We are the sacred instrument of the divine. We translate thought to wisdom and wisdom to realities through the vibrancy of Namaste, namaste divine beings. We have all been given the pains and the sufferings of boredom to seek wholeness, to light the inner sun. Siddhata was pushed by the pains of the heart to become Buddha. Likewise, as examples are Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, who were put in prison and from here they grew and woke up. The inner sun, this inner sun is the innermost noise, the heart, sound, that alight. It blossoms in its ascendance through each layer of our realities.

Speaker 1:

Within all of this lighted inner sun growing brighter as the realities of heavens for each, oh Namaste divine beings, how do we handle criticism.

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There are three insights to it. The first is the Buddha's way of ignoring the criticism and let the present return back to sender, to not take it personal. The second look for the trailer. Within the criticism there could be something that we could understand, take and rework in our life. The third its battles, insults, criticisms. Take it all. Utilize it to fuel ourselves to win the war. Criticism by itself is natural. We need to see the positives of every criticism and grow with it.

Speaker 1:

Oh Namaste, namaste, divine beings, we can all super, connect as the many, as one, in alighting the light, the lamp within, through our resonances, us awakening to be Siva. Oh Namaste, divine beings, through a journey of expanding consciousness, is Prana Pratishta. Prana is high vibrate energies. Pratishta is form, the foundation. When we create an altar, we are doing the Prana Pratishta that is, creating the higher vibrations, enhancing the higher vibration inside ourselves and the object. So create an altar, go around it with the mantra energies energize that core space. What is within is outside and what is outside is within. Energize the divinity within to be the divinity.

Speaker 1:

Oh Namaste, the tree is a guru in stillness over ages, being the witness, being life form. The tree has much to teach us. The first is resilience to grow no matter what, to be patient, to endure all that is in the weather, climatic conditions, and to always look upwards. And to grow strong roots. And beyond all of this is to be able to feed all the living with its oxygen. To know the tree from inside out is to know the dance has stillness.

Speaker 2:

Namaste divine beings, adi Sankara father of modern day Sanatana Dharma Hinduism has three teachings through his experiences.

Speaker 1:

The first wherever he went, he worshiped the goddess. He had a temple for the goddess. His songs were mostly Lord Vishnu. He was a form of Lord Siva, the spirit awake. The teachings are as the higher self is Lord Siva within ourselves. Wake him up. Add on the awake state of mind of Lord Vishnu, the ego From here be served by passion and energy and genius. The goddess. Hastenati Om Namasivaya.

Speaker 2:

Namaste divine beings.

Speaker 1:

Our mind is our guru. The guru is consciousness In source, unions our mind essence and expands in purity to be pristine in its ability to translate light to wisdom. In wisdom we create heavens. Consciousness enables, awaken all the potential of the angelic within the human timelessness and time. The guru within is our own mind, not share the mind. Beautify the inner space within ourselves. From here we bless him.

Speaker 1:

Namaste divine beings, what is most precious beyond that is the mind. Each moment, what is the quality of the mind to produce the optimal thoughts? Each moment we rise within, we are expanding consciousness, the dance of stillness within, being the universal of universal in the core. Each breath. Inhale from the roots, take a deep inhale, hold the breath, go into the roots, come into the resonance, ah no, the pillow of light. Exhale and breathe. Om, namaste divine beings, this is a potent meditative insight. To wake up, having the spirit, experience the human through the five elements, which is earth, fluidity, fire, air and space, is to understand the wholeness of ourselves. Of the five, is ether, the element of infinity. Go within to the core of the dancer, be the center of the universe of universes, let all the realities tune into a heart. Vibrancy of being the blissful. From here we are, the inner sun in the realm of infinite possibilities. Om Namaste divine.

Speaker 1:

Namaste divine beings within each is the epicenter inhaling from the roots ascend. This is the grace of our master, who gave us this mantra ring as we ascend. No, we are empowered in the light ring ring namaste divine beings, where we think from, determines the dimension of heavens we seek to experience. Within each is the zero point. Rush in within to the universe of universes, the womb where infinity is.

Speaker 1:

With the penit, surrender all our problems, stress, hassles here, allow the prayers of infinite patients to settle us into the harmony, being the ocean of tranquility and harmony generate the wisdom that world and creates the reality. We desire to go around us in a sun awake. We are the radiance. Oh, namaste, divine beings, the ultimate wealth of life is consciousness. This mantra is to expand and multiply the light of consciousness within. Home are a home. Press the left big toe down and flip the breath to the left. The moon home area, the third eye. Press the right big toe down and awaken the sun ripple.

Speaker 4:

Oh, home are a room room where you marry a room room room room, room, room room room room room room room room room room room room, room room but Let each breath source connect with the mantra.

Speaker 1:

Fire. Be the epicenter of expanding light that gives us wisdom. 108 times the size of earth is asan. Billions of times greater than asan are the many sons. Beyond all of this, in timelessness, is the black hole. See the spirit that experiences wisdom. Va is the goddess. That is our experience.

Speaker 1:

My Guruji, siddharth Guru Rajaswami would mention, has invoked divine Mukho dmupatdevarga, that is, 30 million, followed by 30 zeros of angels. Invoke, we invoke this light to be Siva, siva, siva, siva, siva, siva, siva, siva. Om Namah Siva, the blessings of infinite independent Namaste divine beings. In each is a giant embryo that has been waiting to be lit through many lifetimes. And in this lifetime, in our seeking of knowing, we set a light, our journey with them as we ascend, awakening and blossoming. Each chakra so is. The reality is aligning to the vastness of whom we are. Our potential multiplies itself, awakening all the many geniuses that comes to focus in resilience, in passion and in our hearts. Doings as one and consciousness, we move the frontiers of humanity.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Sivaya, om Awake. Set the light, the beautiful journey to be Namaste divine beings. An entire lifetime could be in a blink of an eyelid and within this blink of a moment is eternity that we, as heavens are, each breath, inhale from souls, from roots, in retention, surrender all the past, present and future. Within as seeds, we grow the fires and ascend In exhalation. No, we are the vast spirit. Experiencing this human From the epicenter of a light is the inner sun, eternity of each moment, from here as time we dwell. Om Namah Sivaya, om Awake, set the light. The beautiful journey to be. Om Namah Sivaya, om Awake, set the light. The beautiful journey to be. Om Namah Sivaya, om. It seems to me, more than what I see, and Kaka Pujendra would mention, that when we turn ourselves into a pillow of light, all the angelic beings come to serve us and form us, and wisdom.

Speaker 2:

So know that when we meditate.

Speaker 1:

be the light, the vortex of light, and in this vortex of light we are served by all the beings of light, as in wisdom, as in expanding consciousness. Om Namah Sivaya, be the light, namaste divine beings. When awake.

Speaker 1:

We are the cosmic child in the knowing, awakening ourselves to understand our purpose here as human, our heart's work gives us the power of inspiration to evolve the human into angel, awaken the ined geniuses within ourselves to be the many as one. So meditate and awaken to being the higher self, knowing that as spirit in the human, we are constantly evolving, we are rejuvenating, we are the power of vitality in the grace of inspiration. Be the yogi Om Namaste, divine beings, how do sages meditate for us if not days, if not weeks, if not months, if not years together? The secret is spandah. Spandah is the spontaneous dance of ecstasy within source. Unions, mantras convey this essence that helps the process of meditating to find the dance of within and to be the dance that enables us to be the inner sun, with all of the universes going around us, relishing the joys of bliss and ecstasy states within ourselves. We are the stillness of timelessness that determines time. Om.

Speaker 1:

Namaste divine beings. The only wealth we carry from birth to death, death to birth is consciousness. Consciousness is the roots, the flower, the fruits and the seeds of the soul Awake. We are constantly expanding our consciousness. As we expand consciousness, we know the law of karma and dharma. Karma is the limitations that we impose upon ourselves. Dharma is the liberated spirit of being and doings as we arise. In consciousness, we are the realities we create as heavens through each moment, multiplying ourselves in grace and blessings.

Speaker 1:

Om Namaste divine beings. The mystic sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was asked Show me God. His response take a bucket of water, put your head in. Do not come out till you have seen God. This funny but intriguing teaching is very relevant to the possibilities that each breath holds. Utilizing the mantra, energies in both the divine go beyond breath into the states of the core within ourselves. The samadhi states hold on until that divinity we invoke is before us, within us, as us, as in consciousness. Divinity is Om Namaste divine beings.

Speaker 1:

This is the story of Mahatma Gandhi. During the times when our freedom struggled, freedom struggle seemed to be a lost cause. At a time when he was in exile in Sabarmati ashram, he would celebrate the divine morning and evening in God's, in all the names, he would say in his word, the more the merrier. One day he woke up saying now I can see I have prophetic vision. With that was assault march. With this, he said, the fire, the spark to the freedom struggle that then got India its independence with a niche, is the power of penance. Our source connect light and all the miracles are a reality as blessings.

Speaker 1:

Om Namaste, namaste, divine beings. How do we effectively deal with stress, the momentum of our mind, the chain of thoughts, anxieties and worries of realities. All of this needs be broken. Utilize the mind to dissolve the mind. Step into the core of a mantra, fires a source union. Surrender all of our reality experiences into this Inner fire. Attain the higher vibratory states of source. Twirl the external realities from inside out. Know that in the singularity of thought of source, our mind has attained the meditator state to be the wisdom that resolves.

Speaker 1:

Om Namaste, namaste, divine beings. Awake, we realize the highest self. Sanatana Dharma. All awake, masters of all times and cultures that tend to the same oneness. Ancient Hinduism knew the distance of earth to sun, the speed of light, that gravity existed, that the earth went around the sun, that earth was a globe. When awake, the potential of our mind has awakened all the geniuses to align, question, reason and move the frontiers of humanity. Being awake, we are the blessings of consciousness as one consciousness. Om, namaste, namaste, divine beings Within each is the oneness of prayers to the divine beloved, the one beyond breath. As spirit, reciting the niche as the vast of the, we Take a deep inhale from the roots, hold the breath calm to the heart and as one in resonance when we say ah, celebrate that infinite oneness within ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Ah Press the left big toe feel the moon. Breath the sea is the blessings. Press the right big toe, feel the sun. Breath has one breath and a joy and grace beyond breath. Om Namah, subhaya, om Namah, stay, divine Beings. There is a fundamental question to ask ourselves Am I a slave? Am I an emperor? An emperor owns time. A slave simply does not.

Speaker 1:

Once a day, within the 24 hour cycle, light a lamp, connect to source, awaken the inner sun within, step into timelessness From timelessness, work and world time and the realities around us. We are the emperor from timelessness, connected with source, as we move all realities through the radiance of a heart's doing, as in the doings, be the emperor. Om Namah, subhaya, om Namah, stay, divine Beings. Within each is the golden light, within breath is the retention of breath in the cosmic womb through mantra. Grace I am an affirmation is the spirit, the human, is our experience. We enjoy as the witness here is breath held in retention in the womb of timelessness, as a dance, the innermost dance of the mantra. Within is this perpetual moin. Here we are, the many heads adorned as realities, each aligned to a heart. Work as one. Shine. Om Namah, subhaya, om, om Namah, stay, divine Beings, in these moments of awakening to be is the mantra grace, see is the vastness of spirit, va is the experience to Goddess See.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Namah Subhaya, receive the grace and blessings of the infinite, infinite.

Speaker 1:

This mantra the site subconsciously. Let Siva be awake in each. Om Namah, subhaya Namah, stay Divine Beings. These are challenging moments of realities that each of us face collectively through the pandemic, anxiety, fear and unknown before us In each breath, connect the inhale to source and the exhale to source and light the mantra fires. Be the vortex of light, protecting all in the radius of our light. Be the higher, vibrant vastness of the seeds of consciousness Now awakening and blossoming to create the heavens from heart. Aligned work within is whom we are in these moments, as a new wave of consciousness. The newer paradigm Om Namah, subhaya Namah, stay Divine Beings. Within meditation is the empowerment of being production. Om Namah, we circumambulate as planets around the sun to be the inner sun. When we set the light or altar, go around creating the temple space within our homes, we are the enshrined. Imagine all the sacred places we have been through. Go around and drink the nectar of all these places. All the journey of going around to be is within us houses.

Speaker 1:

As we say, the mantra go around crying above the world, above to be the inner sun, going around all the universal of source, namaste, divine Beings.

Speaker 1:

A week, we understand the five dimensional being whom we are, which is connected to earth as body, water as mind, fire as our source unions, air as breath, ether as infinity. Now we are the sixth dimensional being with a sixth sense, awake, unlimited by the mind, empowered as in the wisdom of the we. We are here to transform ourselves and humanity with greater wisdom of consciousness. The primordial sixth dimensional star is the union of our ancient humanity as in oneness. Om Svaya, om Divine Beings. Paramahamsa is a potent reality as possibilities of transformation of each. The mythical swan could drink out the milk when mixed with water to denote the mind that is capable of taking out wisdom from the circumstances when awake as a higher self. Each moment of our scriptures, our mind as a swan has become the greater Mahatma, the Paramahamsa where we are source, connected, each as a prophet, each in the knowing, liberated, leading humanity to the greater essence of wisdom.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Svaya, om Namaste, divine Beings, what work Siddhartha to becoming the Buddha, confronted with death, physical ailment and unhappiness, was the wake up call. This is within each breath, knowing death as in the retention, knowing rebirth as in the exhale. Every moment we are the crisp, new, unfolding heavens. Every moment we are source, connecting our thought to be wisdom, now a spirit, a human experience is pure joy. This is why all the spiritual beings are referred to as Ananda, bliss form. Every breath in the knowing that we are eternal being, having this joyful, magnificent feeling.

Speaker 1:

Namaste, divine Beings, our realities are determined by the quality of our thoughts, which arise from the harmony of breath. Every breath, inhale all the way from the roots, retain the breath, expand the lungs, climb up in gentleness, exhale from the crown chakra. This process that we do each breath awakens us to being the spirit, having the human experience with wisdom. Our breath, inhaling from source of the roots, exhale to source, at the crown, enables us to be the vortex of calm and harmony, from where our wisdom uplifts ourselves and humanity. Oh, namaste, namaste, divine Beings, faster than the speed of light is the speed of thought. Each thought has the potential to create heavens.

Speaker 1:

Every breath, each thought from, determines that reality Within each is the epicenter that expands in consciousness. Take a deep inhale, hold the breath, retain the breath. Climb up up above the crown, chakra, exhale in the zero point of harmony. Within the mantra fires within. Take a deep inhale and make an affirmation I am, I am, I am. Receive the blessings of the moment that each thought has wisdom. Uplift humanity. Namaste, divine Beings Awakening our heart. Chakra is to be infinity of love, sustained by wisdom. Our soul has realized itself in its vastness of being the Mahatma, the grand, great being Awakening the heart chakra is the mantra Ram Ram, ram, ram Ram Ram Ram, ram, ram, ram Ram Ram.

Speaker 2:

Reflect it on infinity first. Ram Ram, ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram. Reflect it on to be dwelling on the body Ram Ram, ram Ram Ram Ram Ram. Take it to the heart chakra Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram. Connect the three together Ram Ram Ram, ram Ram Ram In the infinity, becoming one in the oneness we are the grandness of being love, the heart chakra awake.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Swaya, om Namah Swaya, namaste, divine beings, every breath of ours holds enormous possibilities of being the vastness of self that moves realities for ourselves and for humanity. Emperor Ashoka, emperor Constantine being, who had potent root chakra that woke up to shift humanity to the next level, this is within each of us when we light our lamp, within Every inhale from the roots, with the mantra fire.

Speaker 1:

Ring ang un anum anum, anum, anum, anum, anum, anum, anum, anum anum anum anum, anum, anum anum, anum, when we shift the energy all the way from the roots upwards. We are the vast being who is the angelic creating heavens. Om Namah, swaya, namaste divine beings, today is Guru Purnima, the full moon of awakening grace. In the presence of a guru, our karmic patterns, ignorance and darkness simply dissolves away. What remains is light of consciousness. The guru is consciousness, consciousness is guru.

Speaker 1:

Guruji Raja Swami would mention. You need to see an enlightened master just once. Invoke him. Jai Guru Vethu Nay. May the guru be with us In this moment. Let's invoke all the masters who lit the lamp within us to awaken our inner guru. Awake we are the grace of the pull that blossoms us to a highest of self as the guru. Om Namaste, divine beings, as we work through focus and passion, many times there is a block in our thought. Now the flow happens when we are able to set the light. In the most music, the most powerful instruments in the world are the two hands, the left palm and the right palm. Feel the mantra, go into the mantra, sing the mantra, clap.

Speaker 2:

Arakara sankara jaya jaya sankara. Arakara sankara jaya jaya sankara.

Speaker 1:

Now revisit with focus and feel the flow and block that which is to allow the heart to flow. Heart music is wisdom and perfection. Namaste divine beings, when awake. When we do yoga, when we meditate, we set the light, a sacred fire within Every breath, every moment we are in the sacred fire which is tapas. The realm of the sages Awake in the mantra of fire is connecting the source. With every breath, each thought is wisdom.

Speaker 1:

We are now the vortex of light at all times, at all moments, being the yogi. Every inhale from source with the mantra, every exhale to source with the mantra. Be the mantra light, be the essence of higher self. This is puja. Puja is a mother of meditation at all times. Glide Om Sivaya. Om Namaste, divine beings. Our life is grand or limited, based on a subconscious mind. In the yogic path is the tool to reprogram a subconscious mind with the mantras. With the mantras, we are able to tune into being that which is invoked, invoked God, invoked source, and so is our energy, and so is whom we are In our subconsciousness, when we are unlimited as light, our thought, our mind works aligned to creating the grandness. Awaken the subconscious mind with alighting the sacred fires as the states of joy. In vibrancy we grow. In vibrancy of being the light we determine realities. Om Namaste, Namaste, divine beings. This is my school song that is so relevant to Black Lives Matters. Where, within each of our heart, is that intent as consciousness?

Speaker 4:

We have no more God. We have no more God. We have no more God.

Speaker 1:

I am the now. In the now is the empowerment of being all the masters. Take a deep inhale and thank all the beings who have been with us, helped us as one, namaste, divine beings. When we are inspired, doing something from our heart, with totality of focus and passion, we step into a timeless zone. This is when a genius shines. This zone is called the sleepless sleep by the sages, the states of Turia. Attaining Turia, we are the many as one. This is why in all the temples, we have the multi-headed gods and goddesses. This is whom we are. When awake, we are the many as one, able to see past, present and future, multiplying ourselves as many as one. Meditate through the mantra seeds, grow the light to climb up above the mind, to be the spirit, multiplying ourselves in the mind. Om Namaste, namaste, divine beings. There is a lamp waiting to be lit within each of us.

Speaker 1:

With mantra, grace, sacred fires, we set a lighter in our sun, mother Kundalini, essence blossoming every reality as we unravel our inner journey, our path to source, Climbing above to the rooftop of the mind, is being the spirit, having the beautiful human experience. Each moment of ours now is enriched in states of joy. As the sun, we move realities around ourselves in wholeness, in completeness, in happiness, as in being. Om Namaste. To meditate is to unlock all the higher potential of our mind. There are many ways to meditate. The Siddha form of meditation is to bring focus to the divinity, source God, and hold that focus. Step into timelessness of joy and in the higher vibrancy of the mantra states we become that source God that vibrates a light, awake a mind. Now is an eagle that glides over realities as timelessness, dwelling over time. Meditate to be that whom we meditate upon, be the light that shines. Om Namaste, as light is the state of our being. The concept and experience of God is beautiful. From the awake state of mind, all religions hold God as in the form of content, of consciousness. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the sage of India, would mention that religion is driving directions towards God. Upon attainment of God, we realize a higher self. We realize our wisdom directly from source God. We are the prophet, we are the messengers, we are that of love that shines as God. When we say Namaste, we worship each other as the reverent form of God, each of us, unlimited in light, unlimited as great. Oh Namaste, divine beings, the ultimate experience of happiness is Satchadananda, that is awake. We are the core of harmony and bliss that is formed. Satchadananda is the name of Lord Suvada yogi, whom we become. The objective of yoga and meditation and any activity taking us inward is to awaken our core light of bliss that we are Awake. Our thought is wisdom that aligns realities to the heavens intended In happiness is the joys of higher vibrancy that manifests in ease the states of joy. We wish for realities to be Namaste, pranams, divine beings. It is the desire, of desire within every human to want to be the ninja, the superman, the one who can accomplish in all the fields and all the forms, superlatively. This is the naval power, the energy above the naval. Take a deep inhale from the roots. Hold the breath, come up, rest it above the naval. Exhale gently above the crown. Take a deep inhale again. Lift the energy above the naval. Hold the breath, feel the mastery of the body, mind. Inhaling, exhale through the crown chakra, above the naval, is the mastery of the breath.

Speaker 1:

Namaste divine beings, waking up is a beautiful experience of finding the core bliss within ourselves. But we have summoned hundreds of thousands of our lifetimes in the now to be dissolved away. The soul says I am, and the body and mind says me too. And then we are in the midst of all the karmic intensity in relationships and circumstances to resolve. So, while meditating, meditate on the throat chakra, on the dark blue, as we say the mantra Om Namasivaya, dissolve away all the limits that have been placed as karmic patterns before us. Liberated Be the vastness of light that shines light in all. Om Namasivaya, namaste divine beings, the Guru is consciousness and consciousness is Guru. Where the light of Guru is, the darkness of ignorance dissolves away. There are five Gurus. The first Guru is a mother and father. The next is a breath, the left moon breath and the sun breath. Then all the beings who open the doors of consciousness to us. They have lit the inner Guru, the fourth Guru. Upon realizing the inner Guru, everything is the Guru consciousness. So, in our journey to expand consciousness, awaken and let the Guru Grace shine as a light that will light in all, namaste divine beings, the most valuable gift of life is to be lit within. Awake we unlimited ourselves from circumstances, body and mind. We are the timelessness in time. Light a lamp once a day or as many times. What we do externally is what happens within. We have lit within ourselves Our sacred fires, the inner Guru, each breath. So connect with the mantra light, be the sacred dance within. Walk around the lamp as many times. Know that all the temple, churches, mosques and places of worship is within the to the vastness of the lamp we have lit. Celebrate in this light, celebrate as many and as one. Be, namaste divine beings.

Speaker 1:

Breath is revered as a Guru, since it determines the quality of our own thoughts. Five times a day, a breath flips to the right. When the breath flips to the right, we feel lonely, the needing to belong, the needing to connect, especially so at the time of sunset, when a breath has flipped to the right. This is the time to meditate, to go within, to find the wholeness. It's the call, the deep call Wanting to connect, to be whole and to be that light. Be aware of the breath, ride the waves of breath, swim alongside breath to source. Oh, namaste divine beings, there is a yogic prayer. Please, god, protect me from the brilliance of my own mind.

Speaker 1:

Overthinking not only causes stress, but we are reacting alongside with a karmic imprints. In other words, we are limiting ourselves to the circumstances. It's good sometimes to step outside the mind, meditate, go beyond, to the core harmony within ourselves and from here, through wisdom, we negate a karmic limits and allow us to be the miracles of reality from the mind that is able to see the big picture in calm. Oh, namaste, divine beings, in my see-kings was the truth of meditation, that which as joy is within, that holds timelessness.

Speaker 1:

My Guru Ayya hats hat, atop Arnaachala mountains for 18 years, drinking a cup of milk a day, not moving. He was in the states of dance, within the stone. At 3 am he was singing, bringing heavens to earth and taking earth to the heavens. This of the inner dance was that grace that is lit in each. So, when we light our sacred fires connect to that ancient joy and in the joy is the oneness. Oh state, divine beings. In life, there is this constancy of doings, the push, and there is grace, grace, that pulls us. This grace is empowerment of the light behind each thought. When awake, we know the law of karma and Dharma. Karma, in negative, binds us. Positive karmic action is graced and multiplies us as Dharma. Dharma is being source in the form and as realities we create heavens. Each moment of ours is absolutes of the heart's doings, which is karmic action, and in the light we multiply.

Speaker 1:

Namaste, divine beings. Pranayama is the science of breath to grow and nourish the mind, to attain harmony and pristine clarity. This is the Vishnu Mudra. Close the right nostril, inhale from the roots. Once Hold breath. Climb up to the crown chakra, pressing the right toe down. Exhale twice. Inhale all the way from the roots once Retain the breath. Climb up to the crown chakra, pressing the left big toe down. Exhale twice. Do this a couple of times. Attain the mind of an ego. Meditate Om Namaste.

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Namaste, divine beings. In the now is the magic of happening, where we, as masters, create the masterpiece in the flow. Musashi, revered as the God of martial arts in Japan, writes in his book of five circles the flow, hey ho. So how is flow attained? Awakening to the infinite self, bringing passion and focus together, we awaken the vastness within ourselves, which is like the 10 or 100 heads whirling together to unfold masterpieces. That is meant for us to do, inspired as one. Om Namaste, divine beings.

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When I was little, my grandmother would take me to her prayer room and teach me how to pray. The prayer was please, god, give me the right thoughts. I realize how powerful this prayer is and meaningful. With the right thoughts, we have wisdom. With wisdom, we have more of grace to have anything we desire aligned to harmony love and the greater dimensions of our realities. The right thoughts means, beyond that of any belief systems, to know what is right, which is consciousness. To attain consciousness is to be enriched by a reality that is perfect, beautiful and magnificent.

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Om Namaste, namaste, divine beings. It is absolutely human to feel lonely, to feel void, to feel emptiness. The more awake we are, the more intense is this void, emptiness, loneliness. To utilize this emotion, to go within and transform it to being whole is to meditate, ride this emotion to go within and in our source, connecting, to let go as prayers all that which our heart seeks and to go into the light that heals us. To be whole and complete is that which shines as the inner sun. Shine, be the radiance of happiness, namaste, divine beings.

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The third eye, where we put the bindi, represents infinite knowledge, grace of all masters, light of source, shining in our human realities as thought, as wisdom. Utilize turmeric, to start with, to apply it to the third eye. Utilize this finger, the tip, put it over your third eye and think of all the masters. Source, god, goddess, and receive the blessings. May all of the masters, may all of the grace light be with each, shine through as wisdom that uplifts humanity. Oh, namaste divine beings, in awakening the divine feminine within each, for men it's enlightenment, for women it's enlightenment and pretend, uplifting of humanity. The left breath awakens empathy, compassion, love, the power of Dharma. Press the left toe down, take a deep inhale, hold the breath and go within into the dolphin like inner home From the palms together, receive the blessings, acknowledge the divine feminine awakening in each of us.

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Awareness, mindfulness, potency of the mind. To be the wisdom is blessing, namaste divine beings, the most used word through the ages by poets, masters, realisers, sages, has not been the word love, but the word freedom. To be free means to be awake, to be free from the limits of our body, our mind, our circumstances. To be awake means to be free from the karmic nature of our mind and its patterns, to be awake to cause our destiny. To be free, to be happy, joyful, blissful and the form of love, to be awake. Om Namaste Vaya, om.

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Should God source a peer before us, what could we ask for? The only thing of value that we could seek of God is hey, god, I wish to be you. To attain consciousness means to awaken our inner sun. To be God source Reality is move around us. When our thought has become wisdom, we create heavens. We are the higher vibratory fields uplifting all of humanity. Attain God, meditate, be the sun shine. Let our radiance be the joyful realities for all. Om Namaste Vaya, namaste, divine beings, happiness is a core within ourselves that we develop, meditate, grow the core. Utilize positive emotions to expand the core. Utilize negative emotions to go within, to the core gratitude multiplies us in happiness.

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Be in the now, awakened to life purpose and in that life purpose, inspiration is a powerful form of happiness. Ultimately, happiness is like a muscle within ourselves. We exercise it, we grow it and then we assume the form of bliss, the blissful, happy being that we inherently are. Om Namaste, when we do a yoga, our experience of joy is so overwhelmingly beautiful that it creates for us the sheath of bliss and joy perpetually, and we would want to keep enhancing and expanding the state of joy. This state of joy is within the mantras, within the mantra seeds of consciousness. Is the joy states that is ours to keep alight, alight the mantra dance within the mantra.

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Resonance, grace is the states of joy that becomes upon as of the mantra invoked, is the beingness that we are. Be the grace dance of right. Om Namaste. Question what about the aliens? We are the six dimensional child of the Pallades, birthed of source, god, infinity, lord Siva, and our experience, energy, the goddess within, is the six dimensional consciousness that, through humanity, we have been uplifting through the creation of temples, the pyramids, to the now where each are the mastery in the flow of realities. This six dimensional grace is Lord Muruga.

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It is the ultimate destiny of several lifetimes, in the now, to alight a lamp within being. Like Nelson Mandela, mahatma Gandhiji were thrown into prison and in solitude they were nourished by incubating the greater self, awake with him. Now, as masters, they emerged to steer humanity. This grace is within each of us. Through the moments of pandemic, when we have more time for ourselves, step into the mantra grace, alight a lamp. The side in the states of joy, within the grace of the mantra, in one as grace ascending. Om Namasivaya Namaste, divine beings. A question, everyone wanting to meditate and go deeper within, is how do we hold that stillness over a length of time? I had the similar question for my guru Ayya, who is meditating in a cave 18 years, drinking just a cup of milk a day without moving. What I realized was that, through mantra grace, there is a dance and within that dance is stillness. So, in when we are within that stillness of a dance, we are that wholeness of the inner sun, shining, celebrating timelessness, and in our experience of time, we are the dancer in stillness. Om Namasivaya Seva is the infinite grace of space that holds all the universe of universes. If we count the grains of sand across all the beaches of the globe, we derive the number six, sextillion. Through science, the number of stars we know is between 10 to 100 sextillions. In through the vast infinite space to see the spirit, the cosmic intelligence, the experience, awareness, energy. The goddess Within us is the core that throbs through the universe of universes in oneness. Grace Om Namasivaya, as we say, we are the oneness In sleep. We let go of our awareness in avoidance. The journey beyond this void is to contain all the universe of universes of awareness, the sleepless sleep, the super mind, states of the yogi, the states of Turiya. Within the mantra grace Om Namasivaya is the light that awakens up subconscious mind. So when we enter sleep, we have gone to sleep plus sleep. There are no dreams here. Here we are the many as one awakening with the mind of the sleep plus sleep. We are the multiplication of supreme self and realities.

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Om Namasivaya, namaste, divine beings, no matter how hard the challenges of reality is, there is within us the mind ready to being the Siddhartha Going within, to being the Buddha in the breath. Inhale deep, hold the breath, surrender all the weight into the prayers, within the retention of the breath, through the mantra fires Om Namasivaya Rise above as the awake Buddha. The states of joy with the mantra fire allied. Om Namasivaya. 12 realities in accordance to our inner sun. Om Namaste, divine beings, when the heart chakra awakens, our inner sun shines While meditating. Know the three parking spaces of the mind. The first is infinite, infinite infinity. The second, the golden being we are as soul residing in the body. The third, the heart lamp awake.

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So, in knowing the resonance. Rama Rama, rama, rama Rama. Connect to the infinite, be the golden body, awaken the light, the sacred fires within the heart. In oneness grace, we realize we are all as one and one, as all, om Namaste, divine beings. As we journey through life, it's always good to prune away the past of trauma and bad experiences that stops us from generating the highest wisdom and potential of ourselves. Go within, deep into the subconscious mind, with the mantra ideally, om Namaste. Go to that experience of the past and as you relive the past, say Om Namastevaya and bring light to the past. Heal from inside out by removing away all the karmic patterns associated to that emotion within the mind. Arise in the greatness of being the Om Namaste divine, the propensity to create our reality and experience. So how do we transform our thought to that of quality and wisdom? Inhale to the root chakra. Lift the consciousness up above the navel. Above the navel, we are able to dissolve our emotions and transcend the limits of the mind and body. Exhale gently to the crown and establish the epicenter, the core within. From here, each thought transforms to wisdom. When we are in the states of joy, we create heavens around us In one grace, om Namastevaya, the ultimate fruit of your gum, is expanding our consciousness and going beyond the mind, into the states of super mind consciousness called Turiya, the sleep plus sleep. As we expand ourselves to being the vastness, we are awakening all our hidden potential and summoning the power of inspiration with our mind. Here we have gone beyond the limits of the mind and body. The eye has dissolved the way. We are now in the threshold of wisdom. As a yogi, we unfold heavens. Awakening the dance of the within, as in the mantra, is a means of joy and being the dance to find the stillness within the stillness, experience the dance and be the dancer. Every mantra has the grace joy within, go within to being the dance, be the vibrancy of light and in this dance, stillness is the grace of yoga that allows us to be the timelessness, celebrating the time, as in a yoga, to be the infinite dancer. The grace of yoga is the inner fires blessings that makes the impossible possible.

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Mahatma Gandhiji was in political exile for 18 years and the freedom for India as hope diminished Each day, he would hold the communion gatherings of Sabarmati. Here God was prayed to through all names, through all religions and in his words, the moral of prayers to all the gods, the myriad. This is source connectivity that makes the impossible possible. Let's hold humanity in hope and light as we arise in oneness. Namaste divine beings, life could be challenging, with its realities crushing us and all we have is breath, with the sacred mantra of fires, delve deep within in the retention of breath. Go into the essence of the core, within, beyond breath. Awake in the inner sun to rebirth a new as a spirit. Awake in the mantra of grace fires we gently twirl all of life realities around us as in the magnificence of our hearts. Intent Within our journey is in the being, all the samsara. Namaste divine beings, atmanyanam is the soul, wisdom, the inner guru. Awake the spirit.

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Having the human experience, as Abraham Hicks taps into the higher states of wisdom, is the capacity for each of us to wake up. From Plato, socrates, abraham Lincoln, einstein, ramanujan, all these beings simply align themselves to the higher self to know and move the frontiers of humanity. This is within each of us, especially aligned to time. In this moment of Mahasivarathri, we all wake up in grace of oneness. Each day presents us with the possibilities of expanding ourselves and allowing our experience itself to be the worship. Climb out above and beyond the mind to source, connect In the vibrancy of knowing, receive the grace of inspiration, passion, focus and hearts work setting it into motion in terms of reality that we're experiencing. Know that when we are doing that which brings us joy, we are the karma yogi. Through our unions of source and doings, we are completing ourselves in wholeness as wholeness wholeness.

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In the book Outlier, malcolm Gladwell mentions the ten thousand hour practice that makes one the master. This is time In the field of consciousness. When we seek the blessings of the Guru, we receive the mantra grace that carries the grace of lineage of the Gurus as a timelessness. When we ignite ourselves and journey within to expand our consciousness, we are aligning timelessness to the grace of time. In an instant, we are expanding our consciousness to be the Gurus, as in the now, the one as many, all the svaya. We are like a planet going around and around in time. Our mind pulls us up in happiness, pulls us down in depression. Likewise, the realities that cause happiness or sadness in cyclical motion, step outside of the cycle, go within to the breath, beyond breath, connect to source, station the mind in states of samadhi, incubate ourselves to the vastness of the inner sun, alighting the light within. Now, let all the realities churn around us, be the one of bliss and, in the radiance of vibrancy, set realities to motion over the svaya.

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Namaste divine beings. The greatest wealth of the moment is to be inspired to come to the knowing, to be source connected in each breath, to leave within into the womb and rest. Breath to infinity source. Come to the knowing that we are in each moment on the journey to a greater, higher self. From the knowing, our wisdom is the blessings inspired in heart work. We are the many as spirit, as the intent of all masters in oneness. Inspiration is the blessings to be the yogi of all, the messiah. Breath is the only real estate we own Within breath is the potential to expand consciousness and allow ourselves to be the wisdom that unfolds heavens each moment or now. In breath is the many as one. Beyond breath, the state samadhi is the innermost guru, awake as our wisdom, that guides us, that protects us, that is abundant. In breath is our journey to be one Namaste divine beings. To bring the power of focus, resilience and passion together means to be the genius and master behind what we create.

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When Michelangelo was awarded the contract to paint the Sistine Chapel by the Pope, he ran away. An eras warrant was issued on him. One day, while atop a mountain meditating, he saw the grandness of all that he needed to paint. He came back and completed the Sistine Chapel. This is how we all are within our lives A masterpiece waiting to be created.

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Meditate, touch, base with source connectivity and let the mind reveal why we are here as one. Om Namasimha, here, prayer to God. Source is Please, god, give me the right thought. Seeking the right thought, as the first prayer sets us on the journey, the next is seeking the right state of mind, which begins with atta. Atta is the now, know the now. The now is what we do in action and what we do in timeless patience. The now is being aligned to a highest wisdom. So, in Ayoga, let a now convey the sublime wisdom that guides us to a highest self. Being from source and exhaling to source. We are creating a pillar of light.

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When we see the mantra Om Namasivaya and Connected to this infinity, the infinite space From where we were before our birth and where we will be after that, in between space of life, experience, when it is converged into our light through the mantra, grace of tapas, through the constant seed of each breath, connecting to source. We are the vortex of light, the pillar of light vibrancy. As in being the yogi, we are the blessings when we do a yoga. Our experience of joy is so overwhelmingly beautiful that it creates for us the sheet of bliss and joy perpetually. Then we would want to keep enhancing and expanding the state of joy. This state of joy is within the mantras. Within the mantra seeds of consciousness is the joy states that is ours to keep alight. The mantra dance within the mantra resonance, grace is the states of joy that becomes our form as of the mantra invoked is the beingness that we are. Be grace dance Akaya darshanam is looking at the sky as inversion, the most pristine form of source God as infinity is the sky itself, holding all the vastness that hold all the universe of universes.

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So, when we look at the sky, acknowledge this infinite, infinite, infinite within ourselves. Connect this infinity to the infinity that we are. Know that, as in the experience of connecting to the sky, we are blessed in the limitless beingness that we are and each experience of ours is the gift of this infinite. Every moment of ours is your come. When we are in unions with source God At all times, we are expanding in the most core. We face realities of ups and downs and through all of the realities, we know to center ourselves in the core, in each breath, going to the roots exhaled, to source, be the core, harmony and tranquility from where we think, from being the joy states of the dance within the core. To be in the human is to experience the pains of humanity. When Siddhartha experienced the truth of reality as in pains, he chose to be Buddha.

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Within our sacred fires is life itself as offerings to offer All that which has been holding us back, our realities and our mind in all its states, and as feeding the in a more sacred fires, with our realities arise as spirit beyond all the most intimate source.

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Union joy is to light in a lamp. Alighting our lamp once a day. We are the timelessness piercing through the 24 hour cycle within is to light on us. Having both our arms, feel the blessings of our highest self, press the left toe down for the moon breath and the right toe down for the sun breath and arise, pressing both the toes into the primordial. Our journey within of each moment to be supreme is to know the highest is all to the we to know we are becoming one with the light grace of all the masters in tapas, is the singularity of our mind merged in source, expanding consciousness, incubating greater consciousness of whom we are. So, as we say the mantra, home namah svaya, home namah svaya, we are incubating the vastness that which is within as many as one the intent of all sages as one, the root chakra.

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Lord Ganapati, kanesha Vinayaga is the causal of transformation of an animal within to the human, to the angelic. Each inhale, inhale from the roots, let the fire ascend, transforming us to the yogi. We are the awareness and focus, with worship of Lord Ganapati, is the vibrancy of energies that conquers all obstacles before us. Every human has the potential to wake up and has the space within to go into samadhi, taking a deep inhale with the intent, with the mantra fires focused on source. When breath is retained, we are stepping into the breath beyond breath, we are stepping into the womb of source.

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Here in samadhi states, we enter from time to timelessness. In this timelessness we are nurtured and we are multiplying our consciousness. In our journey to awakening and expanding consciousness is alighting the divine feminine within each of us. Awakening to the divine feminine consciousness is grace in knowing compassion, empathy, nurturing forgiveness and all the qualities that evolves us to be the greater self. Press the left big toe down, take a deep inhale and go into the womb within the womb, through the resonance with the. Yoga is awakening to be the dancer in the dance, being the stillness through the mantra grace is the dancer being the dancer in the silence.

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Hold the breath in the retention.

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Be the dancer in the dance experience stillness in the stillness. Be the dancer with all of the realities, world around, the core harmony with the muscles, all the muscles are high.

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Within the core of a yogic practice is bliss and joy. This is experiencing lord siva as such a done and experiencing bliss as a truth of a being, experiencing consciousness in its prime form, that is, within each of us. So, as we do yoga, the joy states that we are manifest. The bliss of realities and the bliss form body, the saviours core, the body of the human. Such a done and the ears, the blessings of well being enhance our daily yoga and a journey towards light by creating an altar.

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The first component of the altar is a lamp around which bring in source God and all the forms and all the names. Walk around the altar if possible, or walk around yourself. Having the altar means allowing for the vortex of light to constantly whirl around and each day we whirl around the vortex. Outside ourselves, the altar, we are evolving and growing the light within the muscles. When we meet an enlightened master, we will see the core of her or his presence through the mantra grace that holds the seams of consciousness. Know each mantra contains the infinite power of another layer of consciousness. Within the mantra is the grace, blessings of joy, the inner music that is satellite will intent. Mantras does create the reality it is intended. Utilize the mantra to invoke the highest self. The guru is consciousness. Expanding our consciousness is all the gurus where the eye has become the way. Utilize our daily yoga practice to first invoke all the masters. In invoking all the masters, all the gurus, know we are guided from within through the journey beyond.

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The mind is the grace that multiplies us the grace of the gurus is transformation is in burning away karmic imprints and darkness and allowing a light to shine. Yoga is the bull and the bush bull is grace of the gurus. See the gurus. Blessings at all times through our reality is a breath and from where we are thinking, from above as from to rear, is the timelessness. How are we embedding it into time? So, in time is the bringing together, first of focus, inspiration from knowing, the passion, the colossal energy, the vitality, so, as an eagle, we see the big picture and are able to bring ourselves into focus and affect manifestations.

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Here is Lord Vishnu, the awake state of mind, namaste divine beings. Life transforms us from human to angelic when we have converged time through timelessness, when our thoughts have become wisdom, when each moment is enriched experience of the magnified now meditate, be the spirit. Having this wonderful human experience from the knowing, be inspired, inspiration and force the genius of timelessness. Being in the now, we are free of a karmic limits in expanding consciousness. We simply are home on a SI.