Mastery of Consciousness with Nandhiji

Seven Elements Siddha Healing: Mahasivratri World Yogi Day 2024 Embracing Divine Leadership


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Embark with us on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment as we merge the mysticism of Mahasivaratri with the guiding light of Guru Ayya Narayana. My own pilgrimage to Arunachala, fraught with karmic battles and the pursuit of inner peace, serves as the backdrop to our enlightening conversation. We uncover the layers of sacred rituals, the significance of the chant Aum Namah Sivaya, and how the simple act of circling a tree can unravel lifetimes of karma. The twists and turns of my quest culminate in a heart-to-heart with Guru Ayya, whose teachings on presence and the path of the Siddha offer a beacon to fellow travelers seeking solace and union with the divine. Ayya's touch sparked a transformation, igniting the seven elements vital for our ascension towards the divine.

In the midst of our spiritual sojourn, we delve into the resonating vibrations of a unique energy healing meditation. Guiding you through the chakras with the warmth of the sun and the power of breath, we tap into the roots of our being and rise to the crowning glories of consciousness. Along this vertical pilgrimage, mantras and mindfulness pave the way for reconciliation and gratitude. Embrace this meditative passage to cleanse the spirit, foster love, and illuminate the path to a higher vibrance of existence, preparing our minds and souls for the transformative energies of Mahashivaratri.

As the moon governs the tides, it also symbolizes the clarity and leadership within us, an aspect we explore through the wisdom of Lord Muruga. By chanting sacred mantras and aligning with the celestial, we awaken the divine leadership within, ready to guide with love and joy. This episode is an open invitation to step into your power, honor your Dharma, and contribute to the angelic potential of humanity. Join us in this transformative episode that promises to uplift not just your own reality but that of our shared existence on this planet.

Mastery of Consciousness Siddha teachings- experiential wisdom of life, enlightenment and the journey to fulfill our highest purpose.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Subhaya to my kids, om Namah Subhaya, mahasivaratri celebrations of our inner journey. As we walk through into the light, we understand that realities around us sometimes seems warped. It's like heading to the light and all of the past karmic patterns, as in relationships, as in realities, popping up to create resistance for us to reach that light. But the moment we have reached this light and switched it on, there is no more of the darkness, no more of the karmic realities, no more of that resistance.

Speaker 1:

This event is in us, utilizing the seven elements to allow our tapasic sacred fires dissolve away our weaknesses, our challenges, reset our relationships, enhance the vibrations of all around us, and for us to be in the states of sacred unions and in the realms of the states of Turiya, the Supermind, the Supreme Consciousness. But as we journey within, we realize all of our past as the only obstacle that deters us. So it goes back to the story of my life experience when I was a seeker, the story of Guru Ayya. Guru Ayya Narayana meditated on the nearly right on top, right on top of the peak of Arunachala. It wasn't even a cave, it was just a ledge on which they built around him, using sticks and wood, a canopy that served as a scale.

Speaker 1:

He remained in the Mala Asana posture, the squat posture, for 18 years, drinking just a cup of milk a day. He didn't move. When I had gone to see him, it was his sixth year and it was supremely powerful to be in his presence, and all we had to do was take his mantra, go round and round and round, and his helpers would say you do not need to physically ask Guru Ayya for anything. Just think of what you want and that will happen for you. Now, as I kept going up the mountain. Each time I so desired Guru Ayya to call me inside and give me his initiation one on one, Although it was an initiation, just climbing up the mountain and receiving his sacred Namam, the blessings of the forehead, but I needed and wanted to be called by him inside.

Speaker 1:

On one occasion, during those challenging times when all I had was my Gurus and my inner self as a seeker, and I was holding Guru Ayya as the only reality that I ever had, my Gurus were my reality. So I climbed up the mountain, with Arunachala mountain, with about 15 kilos of camphor, because Ayya stays up all night long, he wouldn't sleep, so I thought that would help him go on and on and on creating sacred fires. I brought a lot of fruits, because about 30 to 50 people come up the mountain to see him. So I bought fruits so he could have it for himself and distribute it. But when I took it up to Guru Ayya and his helper took it in, guru Ayya said whoever gave this, ask him to take it back.

Speaker 1:

It was a hard rejection On a soul level. It felt so broken. It could have been from anyone else, anything else, but not Guru Ayya. I was so broken hearted and at that point in time his attendant tells me Ayya tells you to take the camphor, take it, walk a few steps up right on the peak of Arunachala and to light it. So I lit the camphor, bit by bit, by bit by bit, and went on. And that's when I felt all my trauma. All my pain was hurting me, all the people who hurt me and whom I had hurt, all the trauma of this life. And then I began to step into all of the life. I just felt that I needed so much to clear out and I found myself in tears, I found myself going through the agonizing pain that I also did find myself in ecstasy, but everything was to be burnt out. And I went on and on and on.

Speaker 1:

Two hours later, the rock on which I had created this camphor fire cracked, and that was the last camphor I had put in. And the moment I had done that, and the moment it had cracked, with a loud noise, ayya's attendant comes and tells me Ayya's calling you. I go and stand and from inside the cave is canopy. Ayya says now take your fruits and distribute it to everyone. And when I distributed it I realized I needed to clear my vibrations and that's why Ayya put me through that audio. And yet I was still not feeling complete because Ayya had not called me inside a cave and I would keep climbing up the mountain. And one day, similar period of time of Mahasabh Rathri, with the fasting. In the morning I was in Bangalore and I felt Ayya come to me in my meditation saying back your bags, come now. So my first question to Guru Ayya was how do I know you are real, how do I know this is a real invite? He said ask me any question.

Speaker 1:

So I asked him why do you sit in the squat posture, the malasana posture, not the padmasana posture. All the Tibetan, tantric, marpa, malarapa, naropa, all of them sat in the squat posture, the malasana posture. Why do you sit this way? And he answered me saying that the moment you wake up, you consider your body a shirt and you really don't want to stay, be in the body. And when you sit in any other posture, it's easy for you to leave the body and go. But when you sit in the malasana posture, you have to bring yourself back into the body and to be able to lift your consciousness from the roots up above the naiva, to be the spirit. And you use your knees to put your underarms underneath them and regulate your breath. So in this way, this posture holds efficiency in your journey, the Siddha journey of being awake. Now, in these moments, I wish to share with you the process of cleansing and healing are past.

Speaker 1:

When Gautama Buddha mentioned human reality is going through the human is, pains and suffering, he was mentioning about all the trauma that we face again and again and all the realities that comes to complete us. Where the light of consciousness is, we are whole and complete. We are abundant in all the forms, from all where the need is. We are abundant on every level, and yet it is the past and the mind and the collective karma that holds us back today in this journey. Let's bring ourselves into the experience we are going through about 27 different dimensions of healing processes through the seven elements. Let's utilize this experience within us and then, in the practical sense of realities, align yourself.

Speaker 1:

Our journey is the now and now is our eternity. In other words, what we are learning now, we will continuously use it. Our healing is not just now, but it is eternal. In our journey, as we journey further and further, we amplify our healing. Karma is something that we are going to be needing to work on and on and as we move further and further into light, there are different layers of karma from different dimensions of time, and yet in timelessness, we are able to dissolve time and then be the time of timelessness, be the destiny of being Lord Siva. So, divine beings, first let's go into the initiation of the mantra Om Namah Svaya, let's hold this mantra and let's utilize this mantra Om Namah Svaya mantra through the entire process of our journey through the seven elements. Om three times, om Namah Svaya, from inside ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya from inside ourselves. Om Namah Svaya, om Namah Svaya, om Namah Svaya, om Namah Svaya.

Speaker 1:

So we go back to the story of Gurvaya. So, having heard Guru Ayya's answer, I left Tuthiravanamalai, climbed up the mountain. But this time, when I climbed up the mountain, there were over 80 to 100 persons all wanting to see Guru Ayya. So as I climbed up the mountain, after we reached Ayya, they opened the canopy and for just two hours Ayya spent time with all who seek him. And so here we were, all of us together.

Speaker 1:

And that one day Guru Ayya was particularly seeming to be frustrated and angry with the world. He took a stick and he was hitting the floor, hitting the earth. Same. Now Guru Ayya was in the Kechari Mudra mode. Kechari Mudra is an advanced form of yoga. You take your tongue, let it go backwards beyond. Now, when your tongue has gone up, you are now receiving the cosmic netters of the eubonation, the cosmic netters from the unions of the physical, which is your tongue going upwards. So when Ayya spoke you could not understand him, but his help was good and at that point in time his help was mentioned to me. Ayya is so angry and he says all you people have come to see me, but you've come to see me for something you need.

Speaker 1:

And just then the help was added Ayya, says there's only one person in the whole of the circle of all you guys who have come to see me, just for me, and he pints me out and calls me inside his cave and there I am, one on one with him. He puts his sacred name over here, and that's when I felt Guru Ayya come inside me and be with me and journey into Mahasivara prayer together. So let's go into the mantra Om Namasivaya, feel Guru Ayya's presence with us. The continuation of the story is of me receiving my name Nandi. The temple behind, you see, is from where Guru Ayya guided me to go and meet and connect with Adi Guru, nada Muruga, the cosmic son, the ancient Guru, the Adi Guru who gave me the name Nandi in my book Mastery of Consciousness.

Speaker 1:

So now, divine beings, bring ourselves into the form we are the physical, the mental, the spiritual. Now understand that we are tapas, the ancient sacred fires at all times, including when we are asleep. We are constantly expanding ourselves at all times. We are evolving dynamically. We are constantly evolving from the human to the divine divinity. Within its states, the Turiya states is said to have 18, 108 numbers of realms of progress, going closer and closer to becoming Goddess. God Infinity Source Named Nameless Lodzila. So as we journey through, we are utilizing the seven elements to work it through. So feel the body, feel earth from beneath your feet, from beneath yourself, and feel earth and the body. Be one.

Speaker 1:

So feel the body, feel earth and the body be one Now every day when we walk, say the mantra as we walk, our feet connected to earth allows us to dissolve karma. The reasons we do pilgrimage, especially by walk, is to dissolve away all of the karmic imprints. So imagine ourselves walking towards light. The second is food. The food we have afford, always imagine, and it also affected, feed the others.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let all of life be fed early in the morning, nearly all households, especially in villages in India, we take rice flour and create the beautiful geometries, the yantras called kolam, at the front of a house to feed the ants. The first act of dharma. Now imagine, before we eat a food, let all be fed. One of the most vicious ways of negating all of the past, in its trauma, in its poverty, in its painfulness of relationships, starts with feeding the hungry. Feeding the stomachs, feeding the stomachs of the hungry. So let's imagine ourselves having fed everyone. Let's imagine ourselves constantly being able to feed and support all of humanity and all of life.

Speaker 1:

Another powerful process, especially for relationships where relationships have ended up in misunderstanding, and for all the future relationships to come from a higher vibration, is to walk around a tree. When you walk around a tree, just as the way the tree breathes in what we exhale as carbon dioxide and breathes out the oxygen, likewise is the tree taking away all the comic imprints of relationships and giving us the happiness of relationships of all around us. So start with thinking of your mother and father, and then all around us, friends, close circle, family, humanity as family.

Speaker 2:

And let's imagine ourselves walking around a tree saying the mantra Om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya.

Speaker 1:

The next is fruits. By itself represent Earth and every time we are going to have a fruit, say thank you, thank you, thank you to the divine, thank you for satisfying the human, thank you for satisfying the fruit with the spirit of whom we are. Feel gratefulness, work with the body, the mind and the spirit that we are. Every time we have a fruit, feel the gratitude. Let's say the mantra, feel the mantra Om Namazwaya. Come into us through a taste buds.

Speaker 2:

Om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya.

Speaker 1:

Now all divine beings. When we go to an temple or any place, any shrine, we are going there for two basics One, to surrender everything that we call Ike and two, to receive being the light, the. We Now imagine ourselves with the beautiful light of being the pillow of light, lots of that. So what are we doing? We are doing the parikrama. Parikrama is to walk around clockwise, to go around clockwise. Imagine ourselves doing the Anga production. Anga is the body. Production means Parikrama. To walk around Anga production means to lay down and surrender the body, surrender the mind, surrender the spirit, surrender everything to Lord Siva. So when we are seeing this mantra now, let's imagine ourselves letting go of everything to the light.

Speaker 2:

Om Namazimaya, om Namazimaya.

Speaker 1:

The sweet blessings. Now comes the single most important element water fluidity. It starts with all our relationships, but even before we get into relationships, it is our own energy that needs purification. So every day we are given the opportunity to enume ourselves, to let go of the past, to step out of the karmic imprints, and that is through shower. So when we take a shower, think of your Guru, Gurus. Go around yourself 11 times underneath the shower, preferably room temperature, knowing it will be challenging for those in the higher altitudes. Use the temperature to wish, in the sense lukewarm. Whichever way, the most important is to go underneath the water, preferably cold water, and imagine ourselves receiving the baptism from our Guru. When you lift your armpit, we are letting go of this birth's karma that we have accrued Behind, at the tailbone end of the spine. Our relationship karmas allow for purification, allow for our relationships to be reset, allow for our future relationships to be generated from higher wisdom. So let's imagine ourselves taking the shower. Just say the Om Namah Sawaya Mantra 11 times.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Sawaya Mantra 12 times.

Speaker 1:

Welcome the new you emerging out of the cleansing as the spirit in the human experience. The next is relationships, especially with water. So when you're working with the sacred water, let all the relationships transform itself to create a deeper understanding, to become love. So, especially in the shower, forgive and be forgiven. Everyone of us in the human experience, knowingly and unknowingly, in many ways, have built up karma, built up from perspectives of us or from others being hurt because of us. Forgive in all sense and be forgiven. So when you say the mantra, let's go into that, into every relationship. And before we get into every relationship, first your mother and father and all the siblings you've been, you've been worth it with, and all around us, with whom we are connected by thought and family and all of humanity.

Speaker 1:

Welcome the new of relationships, the goodness of each. The third element within water is when you drink water, preferably drink it warm, but anytime we're drinking water, pray please flow like the river. Please always cleanse and bring in the new. Let every moment of us be the flow, let us glide in wisdom. That's a true Dharma that negates and transforms karma. Imagine ourselves drinking water and connecting to the water element.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

If we choose to create a Yajna, the sacred fires, utilize rice grains and cooked rice grains. Mix it with turmeric and use each grain that you're offering, or flower petals. Take each petal and offer each offering of a mantra. Now imagine ourselves in the Yajna with the sacred fires.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

The fifth is to know the inner sun. We understand the inner sun from the states of being the infinite, infinite, infinite, infinite, vast void that holds all the billions and billions and billions of galaxies. Oh, maybe all the billions of galaxies are going around the inner sun. Maybe our galaxy is going around the inner sun. But that inner sun of infinite trillions and trillions of light years is within ourselves. The sacred fire element, let's believe one with Lord Sivak.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah, om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Then comes the element of earth. The element of earth is breath itself. Breath is our Guru when we are and find in the existence and experience that is from the karmic imprints, it is breath that can take us beyond all of this. It is air, the element of air, that ultimately is able to transcend the mind. So when you say the mantra, be aware of breath and air and rana within all of this.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now, within breath, is prana. This is the prana that allows us to go within, and when we go within, we receive the inner realization the wisdom from within. So when you are saying the mantra, go to breath and go to the breath beyond breath and from prana reside in the karmic womb within ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah.

Speaker 1:

When we come to the element of space, the infinite, infinite, void space that holds all and everything. So, when we offer flowers to our altar to the divine, it represents akash, it represents infinity. Now, let's offer flowers, let's offer, make an offering to the late-winter nasals.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this infinite, infinite, infinite space on the external is truly infinite, never-ending. Likewise is when you go inward into ourselves. As much as we see, the infinity from outside is the infinity from within ourselves. Within ourselves is the states of samadhi, being in the cosmic womb. So once we come here, we are literally going through our death process and re-birthing and re-birthing and re-birthing. Each time we're coming out re-birthed a million times greater. So when you're saying the mantra, let ourselves go inwards and re-birth, inwards and re-birth, inwards and re-birth.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah. Yeah Om Namah Deemah, yeah Om Namah Deemah, yeah Om Namah Deemah, yeah Om Namah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, om Namah Deemah yeah.

Speaker 1:

And the third dimension in space is being the dancer, being the traya, being Lord Siva, being everything. So condense the infinite external and the infinite within as one.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Deemah yeah. Om Namah Deemah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now we come to the element of the sun. The sixth element In the sixth element of the element of the sun is where we are given the ultimate gift, and that is existence itself. Our life experience, Every moment in breath is with the sun. So let's work the sun energy, visualizing the sun from the root chakra onwards and, as we climb up through each chakra, cleanse all of that reality around that particular chakra. The root chakra starts with family relationships, prosperity, our survival. Everything that basically means to us, as in the human reality, is from the root chakra.

Speaker 1:

So when you sing the mantra, go within into the sun, let's pay particular attention to relationships around us from the roots. Whoever we are wanting to bring into that particular light, know that our light exists in them. So allow our light to amplify and bring to love, bring to vibrancy, bring to forgiveness, be forgiven to anyone, to anyone, all of now and the future and the past. It is all in that light. Now come up above the navel, feel the presence of all our gurus, all the masters, all the enlightened beings, all of the sages, all of the divinity all of the divine up above the navel, the guru, bring it up above the solar plexus and the heart chakra.

Speaker 1:

Transform we in the emotional states of loving to becoming and being love. Come up to the throat chakra where all the karmic prama all of the experiences, all of our past lives are stored in the throat chakra. We are utilizing the sunlight to negate, dissolve, transform all of our karma from the throat chakra.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:

Now we come to the crown chakra. The moment we come to the crown chakra, we switch the light on. We are the light, so be the pin of light.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:

Come into the third eye, the meeting point of all of light in our awareness.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum, om Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:

Press the left big toe down, take a deep inhale, and this is the seventh element, which is the moon element, the left breath, the moon breath. God is Sakthi and Lord Siva coming together. This is the seventh element, the moon. Take a deep inhale, exhale slowly, feeling the calm, beautiful mind at the moon, the epicenter of ourselves at the moon. So here, let's begin with hono or pono. Let's begin with hono or pono To all our relationships. Start with I have done whatever I have done of my past, knowingly and unknowingly, to each being we are in existence with. I am sorry, I am sorry. I am sorry, forgive me.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:

Feel ourselves forgiven, feel the gratefulness of being forgiven, feel the gratefulness of all of the past forgiving us and all of the present welcoming us to be ourselves, and all of the future allowing us, allowing ourselves to be the light being the Dharma, the form of Dharma.

Speaker 2:

Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum, Om Namah Zimaayum.

Speaker 1:

Now feel the love of being forgiven, feel the love we are receiving from everyone. Feel the higher, vibrant love of every relationship around us. Feel the love and the high vibrant love of every being around us. The state of Turia is the state beyond the mind. In the state of Turia we have lived several lifetimes and lifetimes. Through all these lifetimes, we are the higher vibrance constantly lifting the mind to a higher place. So let's be the states of Turia.

Speaker 2:

Namah Deva, ya, ya.

Speaker 1:

Having reached a place where we are in the knowing. We know the law of Karma and we know the law of Dharma and the life secret of being the form of Dharma. So let this form of Dharma attain its eternal identity and beingness.

Speaker 2:

Namah Deva, ya, ya.

Speaker 1:

Now that we are higher frequency, put a hand like this and think of all the relationships we have around us, think of all the predicaments we have around us. Let it all be healed, let it all be aligned to a higher vibrance.

Speaker 2:

Namah Deva, ya, ya.

Speaker 1:

The moon represents the mind itself. When we have a clear mind that is able to make the optimal decisions, with intuitive intelligence, with empowered intellect and with the right knowledge, we are leaders. We lead. Lord Muruga, the son, the child of God, is God the leader, because that's the blessings we are. So let's welcome the blessings Now, understand that we are eternal beings here in this human lifetime. Let us know why we are here. Let us complete our purpose here. Let us know our highest purpose. So each moment of us is inspired and weak and awakening all our potentials pork spinning Namaz-e-mah-e-mah, oh, namaz-e-mah-e-mah.

Speaker 1:

And the final element is all the light needs be our experience through the divine Goddess, bringing Goddess Sakthi and Lord Siva together, creating realities of magnificence. And the moon represents the Goddess. So, as we chant the mantra, feel the moon settle into our third eye forever and ever.

Speaker 2:

Namaz-e-mah-e-mah, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-mah, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-mah, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-mah, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-mah.

Speaker 1:

With these seven elements, let the wheels of our constant multiplications, multiplying ourselves as in divinity, be. Let our human experience be that of love that fulfills all responsibilities, that which nurtures the next generation, that which a bliss humanity to its angelic identity, that which enhances every human, every life, that which completes us and makes us whole as the inner sun. Let's say the mantra again and be the blessings Um.

Speaker 2:

Namaz-e-moh-e-moh, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-moh, oh Namaz-e-mah-e-moh.

Speaker 1:

So, divine beings looking forward to a journey into Mahasivaratri as one as we transformed For to receive the details of the journey, so you are able to practice this in a journey we took, kindly sign on to our Podya and, as we journey towards life, let's uplift realities for all living, for our beautiful planet, mother Earth, and within each of our lives that they be fulfillment, love and joy. Oh, mother Subhaya.