Mastery of Consciousness with Nandhiji

Siddha Kirtan, Mahasivratri: Chanting the Cosmic Mantra to Unleash the Mind's Genius


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March 2 Mahasivratri Kirtan : Celebrating Eight Forms of Lord Siva 

  • Alighting our inner Lamp: Lord Ganapathy

Awaken the Root Chakra 


  • Arising the sushumna nadi, spine upright,  Being the Cosmic Child 

Lord Muruga Aadigurunathar

Mantra: AUM 


Mantra of Lord Siva, Pillar of Light


Mantra of Lord Arunachala: 




  • Celebrating Lord Siva of 8 forms 

  1. Lord Dakshinamurthinathar, the Guru grace 
  • Navel chakra
  • Third eye grace 
  • Turiya supermind

  1. Lord Rudranathar Siva, the Dissolver of obstacles
  • Dissolve our past karma. 
  • Dissolve all challenges and limits in life.
  • Dissolve in the mantra fires.

  1. Lord Bhairavanathar Siva, the Teacher of meditation
  • Realm beyond birth and death 
  • Eternal wealth

  1. Lord Ardhanareeswaranathar, the Core within
  • Blessings of Mother and Father in unions.
  • Blessings of Lord Siva and Goddess Sakti in unions. 

  1. Lord Hariharanathar, Lord Vishnu and Lord Siva as One- the Leader. 
  • Blessings of Right Brain and Left Brain in unions. 

  1. Lord Linganathar- Lord Siva the infinite Pillar of Light, Being Lord Siva
  • Tapas of all Sages

  1. Lord Bhutanathar-  the Yogi unlimited and empowered in the infinite: Master of Five Elements

Earth: our existence ; Water: our experience and relationships ; Fire: alight core; Air: breath mastery; Space: Stillness within the Dance 

  1. Lord Kaleswaranathar- Ancient timelessness in time. Lord of the Now. Spirit having the human experience. 


Mastery of Consciousness Siddha teachings- experiential wisdom of life, enlightenment and the journey to fulfill our highest purpose.

Speaker 1:

Welcome, namaste Divine Beings, welcome, welcome to this beautiful, powerful moment of Mahasavaratri. As we journey towards light, as we journey towards lots of up, this is the moment when we are rapidly transforming, evolving, transforming the animal to human and the human to the Divine, breaking through all the limits, poverty in all its forms. We are dissolving away. In this Ketan, we will start with the blessings of Lord Ganapati Aruch Chakra, climb up above the navel to be the cosmic child, lord Muruga, and then experience the eight forms of Lord Siva. The path to a higher self is of joy, of the dance, of celebrations, of knowing we are the ecstasy, the core within swinging and moving all the universes around us. So welcome, Divine Beings. To start with, let's light a lamp, the lamp within ourselves. Lord Ganapati, from the core we have begun our journey. From the depth of the core is knowing the four corners as a square, the center of the pyramid that we are, the base foundation of where we are starting our sacred fire. Let's go into the mantra.

Speaker 2:

Inumsage Om Nam Om.

Speaker 3:

Nam Adi.

Speaker 1:

Om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi. As we have been more Ganapati, the Lord of the journey, let's put our intent to merge and be the celebrations of Lord Siva. Om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi.

Speaker 3:

Om Nam Adi.

Speaker 1:

When we journey into light, we are dealing with a karma. A karma is like a coconut meant to be cracked. Let's visualize ourselves cracking the coconut, cracking anything that is holding us back from the light. Om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi, om Nam Adi.

Speaker 2:

Om Nam Adi.

Speaker 1:

As we inhale, move the light from the root chakra, move it up above the navel. Above the navel is the Guru. Above the navel is where the sixth point is star fits him Above. Above is the infinite cosmos. Below is the human, the self, bringing infinity and the infinite together, as the Guru is Lord Muruga. Lord Muruga is the Adi Guru, the Siddha. When we wake up, we are perfect beings, the Siddha. Now our journey has begun into the light, multiplying ourselves millions of holes. With Lord Muruga is is named Subramaniam.

Speaker 1:

Subramaniam is the one who has the light within the radiant being when we alight our spine we are allowing our Sushuman Anandhi to arise in all its splendor. So let's invoke Lord Muruga. Now we have our two beautiful hands, the most profound musical instrument, baba, palms together he, lord Muruga. The left is our pin itself, the right is the infinity Bringing both together. Subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam.

Speaker 3:

Subramaniam, Subramaniam.

Speaker 1:

When we alight our navel chakra, by default our third eye opens. So as we chant the mantra, from the roots climb up to the third eye.

Speaker 2:

Subramaniam, Subramaniam.

Speaker 1:

From above the navel. It is like having wings from the wings of a sparrow to the wings of a crow, to the wings of an eagle, to the third eye. So when you're chanting the mantra, no, we are now gliding.

Speaker 3:

Subramaniam, Subramaniam.

Speaker 1:

Subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam, subramaniam, and lift us all up. One of the most powerful mantras that is for humanity is Siva Siva. In all the ancient temples there will be a mention in the core center Siva Siva. All it takes is the mantra Siva Siva. This is the mantra to awaken us to understand ourselves as a pillar of light. As a pillar of light, it means no beginning, no end. The moment we have recognized the higher self to be Lord Siva, the infinite Supreme being, we know we are the pillar of light. Let's see the mantra together.

Speaker 3:

The mantra is the mantra to awaken us to understand ourselves as a pillar of light.

Speaker 1:

Now receive a Mahasivarathri mantra, the mantra of Arunachala In our human mind is dualities, where often we are caught up in comparison, we are held by ego and we are stuck in the karmic patterns. So Lord Siva appears as a timeless pillar of light before Lord Vishnu, the one who sustains intellect, intelligence, the mind itself and that beyond the mind, lord Brahma, the creator, our ego. So when the pillar of light appears before Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, both want to find the end of the pillar of light, as Brahma goes upwards and Lord Vishnu goes downwards to find the origin of the pillar of light. Lord Vishnu realizes this is infinite, there is no beginning, no end. But Lord Brahma decides to utilize his mind and actually call for a witness that he did witness the end. This is duality the mind thinking it knows it all. So the pillar of light actually appeared to wake up, the ultimate wisdom and the wisdom to know that infinite pillar of light. And this infinite pillar of light is within each of us.

Speaker 1:

And this is a Mahasivarathri journey, and the very first is understanding and surrendering ourselves to Lord Siva the Guru. So let's invoke Lord Siva the Guru. Dakshnamoote is the teacher of teachers. In ourselves is this infinite teacher. So when we say the mantra, receive the mantra of Arunachala Om, om, om, om Namah Subhaya, receive it from within, from Lord Siva the teacher. So let's invoke Lord Siva, the Guru.

Speaker 2:

Dakshnamoote is the teacher of teachers. Dakshnamoote is the teacher of teachers.

Speaker 1:

Dakshnamoote is the teacher of teachers.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah, Subhaya Om Namah.

Speaker 1:

Subhaya, om Namah Subhaya. Now we are at Lord Siva, the teacher, the Guru, to receive. This grace of the Guru is dissolving. Then we go to Lord Siva temples. Perhaps the most deeply impactful ritual we could do is called Anga Pradakshnam. That is, laying down on your body. Laying down and allowing your body to roll around the sanctum center of Lord Siva. By doing this, we are letting go of everything that we are into the cosmic, divine Lord Siva. So when you say the mantra, imagine ourselves letting ourselves go to Lord Siva, the Guru, the Adi Guru, the primordial Guru, the Guru through all of the light goes around.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Subhaya, Om Namah Subhaya, Om Namah Subhaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Subhaya, om Namah Subhaya.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Subhaya.

Speaker 1:

Dakshnamoote Nadargya Arohara. Dakshnamoote Nadargya Arohara. Dakshnamoote Nadargya Arohara, dakshnamoote Nadargya Arohara. Now is Rudra Nadar as we walk towards light. Our soul is an ecstasy. Ah, body and mind says me too, me too. The Buddha says we pay back all the karma. Rudra Nathara is the one who absorbs all that karma. All of the many, many, many lifetimes of karma is being absorbed. Rudra Nathara is the dissolver. So let's go deep into him. Know that we are dissolving our karma. No, we are dissolving all of our life obstacles. No, we are dissolving away Any collective karma energy that is holding us back, and this is through the innermost sacred fire within.

Speaker 3:

Rudra Nathara is the one who absorbs all that karma. Om Namah Zemaya, Om Namah Zemaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Zemaya, om Namah Zemaya, om Namah Zemaya, om Namah Zemaya, om Namah Zemaya, om Namah Zemaya, both your palms, the seal of blessings, invoke Godseva and Bhairava Nathara when we wish to be in source unions. Here is where meditation is. Bhairava Nathara is the one who has destroyed the Brahman, destroyed the mind in its continual karmic momentum. Bhairava Nathara has, in the moment, diminished it all and brought us into the pure states, the pure realms, the realms of eternal wealth. Godseva appoints Bhairava Nathara as the custodian of all the wealth. And Lord Bhairava has got His Mahalakshmi and Lord Kubera to distribute this wealth. And they ask why? Why not you do it? And he says I distribute the eternal wealth. You distribute the wealth that can enable create the eternal wealth. So when we are with Lord Bhairava, no, we are experiencing the mind beyond mind state, the state of the Guru, guru Dakshin Amopay. Bhairava Nathara is the one who has destroyed the soul of Bhairava Nathara Om Namah Zimbaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya. I have been going to Bhairava. Whatever is that in the reality that we are held captive of, we let go. As we enter into Lord Bhairava, we are experiencing the wholeness of being. The entire teachings of ocean is Vijnana Bhairava, the Bhairava consciousness. So when you are chanting the mantra, let's be one with Lord Bhairava. Om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya, om Namah Zimbaya.

Speaker 1:

See the blessings. Our journey towards light, our journey towards Lord Shiva, is in bringing all the multitude into one, bringing duality into one, the male and female into one. The polarity is into one as the yin and yang. When both have come together within ourselves, we have created the core, the core within which is neither male nor female, and we begin with our mother and father, who created us, our first gurus.

Speaker 1:

Press the left big toe down and holding this, press the left big toe down and take a deep inhale and feel the divine feminine. Feel your mother and other palms together, feeling our mother and expressing gratitude to every cell of our body, of our mother who created us, missing the blessings. Press the right big toe down, take a deep inhale, hold breath, exhale slowly, thinking of our father, every cell in our body, thankful, grateful as I say the blessings. Now, pressing the right toe down, feel Lord Shiva, the infinite, infinite father of all beloved father. See the blessings. Press the left big toe down and inhale, feeling the goddess, the sacred mother, the sacred divine feminine, the divine feminine with an awe and palms together, feeling both of them as one, and see the blessing. Ardhanadi swaranadarki arohara.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah.

Speaker 1:

Zimaya Om Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 1:

Now go within and know the core within, the male and the female as one, the cosmic almighty father and the divine mother, as one with the Narsals. Om Namah Zimaya. Om Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Zimaya into the timelessness of Lord Sivana is knowing time. Hari Haranada. Hari is Lord Vishnu. Hari to know, intellect, experience, intelligence. Hari Ara is Lord Siva In all the ancient Siva temples. Behind Lord Siva is Lord Vishnu. When we are awake, we are the spiritual being having the human experience. The spirit is Lord Siva, the human experience is Lord Vishnu. It's the left brain and the right brain together. When we have brought the left brain and the right brain together, when we are Hari Haranada, we are the leaders. We have leadership in us, the power of intuitive thinking to make the right decision, to be the radiant vibrancy that moves all around us.

Speaker 1:

And to be blessed in the knowing, inspired with all our geniuses, shining. This is Hari Haranada, hari Haranada, hari, hari Haranada is Lord Siva and Lord Vishnu as one.

Speaker 2:

Hari Haranada.

Speaker 1:

When we are with Hari Haranada. A left big toe, when you press it, stimulates the left breath. The right big toe stimulates the right breath. The left toe that stimulates the left breath activates the right brain and the right toe, when you press it, activates the left brain. So when we are chanting the mantra, feel this energy of activating the right brain and the left brain. Om Namah Zimaya, look through the third eye, because when we are with the spirit, it is from the third eye that we recognize our mind. It is from the third eye that we are experiencing intellect and intelligence.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya, om Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Namah Zimaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Zimaya, See you at the blessings. When we see the lingam, when we have darshan of the lingam, the lingam represents the pillow of light. To represent infinity, to represent the pillow of light is the shape of the lingam. This is Arnaachala no beginning, no end. So let's worship all the forms of the lingam as one.

Speaker 3:

Arnaachala no beginning, no end. So let's worship all the forms of the lingam as one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Namah Zivaya Om Namah.

Speaker 1:

Zivaya Om Namah Zivaya, om Namah Zivaya, Om Namah Zivaya, om Namah Zivaya, om Namah Zivaya, om Namah De.

Speaker 3:

Maha Yo Om Namah De Maha Ya Om, namah De Maha Yo Om.

Speaker 1:

Namah De Maha Ya, om Namah De Maha Ya, om Namah De Maha Ya, om Namah De Maha Ya. When we are the pillow of light, all of the light goes around us. All of the rishis, all of the sages, all of the enlightened masters, all of the saints, all the beings of light go around us. So, from being the pillow of light, be one with all the light that is going around us.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah De.

Speaker 1:

Maha Ya, om Namah De Maha Ya, om Namah De Maha Ya. Thank you for watching. See you in the next video.

Speaker 1:

Both and other is the yogi. When we have become one with the five elements, we transcend the law of nature. We are able to be the master of our realities. The first of Lord Siva is the earth element, which is our existence. Let's begin with great kindness for this existence that we are. The second is what element? Fluidity, our experience, all our relationships. So when you are saying the mantra, bring all our human relationships to harmony. Let all of humanity wake up in higher, greater thoughts. Let everyone find love for each other. Let our innermost call be blessed in the harmony and love that we are.

Speaker 1:

The third element is fire, the innermost sacred fire within ourselves, the core that has been lit, the eternity of light that is within us now radiating. The sacred fire is the middle element. Below is water and earth, above is air and in infinite space. So the sacred fire is what brings us together. It is where we are, one with the divine. So let's celebrate that.

Speaker 1:

The element of breath, the air element by you, is from the core of the universe. When we take a deep inhale and go to the breath. There is the breath beyond breath and that which rides the breath beyond breath has breath is prana. Lord Sivaha of air, is this prana intelligence, the intelligence that is birthed from within ourselves? Sri Kalathi Svaranathara, the dhyana personam, beguys the goddess behind him. So let's celebrate Lord Bhutanathara in the form of Kale Svaranathara, bhutanathara in the form of a Ruhana, bhutanathara in the form of a Ruhana. And the fifth element is Akash, the dancer, the one who is epicenter of all the universes within the atom, as the energy within the atom is Latsala, the entire galaxy of galaxies, as infinite space held in Latsala. To realize Latsala is to be liberated. We are liberated in being the dance within Bhutanathara in the form of a Ruhana.

Speaker 1:

Bhutanathara in the form of a Ruhana. The eighth dimension of Lord Sivaha is Kale Svaranathara. Kale Svaranathara is timelessness. To be in meditation, to know timelessness is to affirm I am, I am, I am. Here is where all the dance of celebration gives the epicenter of stillness within us. Here is where we are, the timelessness in time. Our yoga is called Kalaangi Kundalini Yoga, where time as a dress, the one who wears time as a dress, is the one who manifests, the one who attains and achieves when we bring timelessness into time we are being the spirit having the magnificence of human experience that's involved.

Speaker 1:

Kale Svaranathara is the Ruhana. Om Namah Zivaya, om Namah Zivaya, om Namah Zivaya.

Speaker 3:

Om Namah Zivaya. Om Namah Zivaya.

Speaker 1:

Om Namah Zivaya, see the blessings. So, divine beings, as we journey into the beautiful, magnificent light of being, we know that we are celebrating the light that we are, the primordial light that we are. So let's recap through our journey, through our meditation, that is the Siva Siva meditation. Would highly recommend you to take that meditation and join us in a circle. So let's about. To begin with is Lord Ganapati Ganesh, the mantra. This is the moment from above the navel to the third eye. Now is Lord Siva, the teacher Dakshinamurthy know him from the third eye.

Speaker 1:

When we are above our navel, we are our Dha Guru. When we are above our navel through the third eye, we are now in the super conscious mind of the Uriya. Now, as we journey within, we need all the protection. We need the higher vibrancy to absorb us and dissolve away any low frequencies within us, any karma, anything that is holding us back as we touch the light and the moment we switch the light on, darkness has no place. And this is Rudranadha, rudranadha, dhikkarohara, rudranadha dhikkarohara, rudranadha dhikkarohara. Now we come to Bhairavanadha, where we have still the thought no more duality. Bhairavanadharakarohara, bhairavanadharakarohara, bhairavanadharakarohara, ardhanarishwaranadha, male and female, within us of the epicenter that we are.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Namasvaya, om Namasvaya, om Namasvaya, hariharanadha, the one who is intelligence, the spirit having the human experience, the genius born mind that is awake, the one who is the leader. Hariharanadharakarohara, hariharanadharakarohara, hariharanadharakarohara. Linganadhar is how we meditate, being the pillow of light and all of the Lord Shiva, who worshipped in all of the universes, has one within us the pillow of light. Linganadharakarohara, linganadharakarohara, linganadharakarohara, kali Svaranadha, kali Svaranadha. Tremblessness and time. The ancient in the now. Kali Svaranadharangi Arohara, kali Svaranadharangi Arohara, kali Svaranadharangi Arohara. So let's see the mantra again and let this mantra fire be perpetual as we grow through the light that we have.

Speaker 3:

Om Namasvaya, om Namasvaya, om Namasvaya.

Speaker 1:

With each of us as one, as we in breath beyond breath, in mind beyond brain, in the subconsciousness of all, in awareness of all. May Lord Shiva delight the supreme consciousness trying through each of us. Om Namasvaya, divine Beloved of Breath, om Namasvaya.