Mastery of Consciousness with Nandhiji

Podcast: Nandhiji | Stories, Siddha Gurus: Navigating the Dance of Karma, Dharma, and Divinity


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Have you ever encountered a moment that reshaped your entire perspective on life? Our latest episode features a guest whose journey echoes such a transformative experience. From non-spiritual roots to a profound awakening, he shares how a pilgrimage and a personal crisis opened the path to becoming a dedicated yogi. His story is a testament to the life-changing power of spiritual encounters, revealing past life memories, and embracing a daily practice that realigns consciousness and lifestyle.

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the quest for a higher consciousness becomes increasingly pivotal. Our guest describes his childhood visions of altruism, a mystical initiation on a mountain by Ayya, and the subsequent discovery of an inner presence that led to his spiritual renaming. This episode is a tapestry of personal transformation, the reverberating impact of silence, and an unwavering pursuit of enlightenment. It's an exploration of how the inner journey can profoundly influence our external world, offering wisdom and a transformative gift of peace amid chaos.

The final leg of our guest's narrative takes us deep into the essence of the yogic path and the discipline it demands to achieve the joyous state of Turiya. We learn about the profound influence of Gurus and Siddhas, the role of karma and dharma in our spiritual evolution, and the intricate dance between personal effort and divine grace. His experiences serve as a beacon for anyone seeking to elevate their consciousness and find purpose in the cosmic dance of life, through the challenges and triumphs of the spiritual journey. Join us for a conversation that promises to inspire, challenge, and awaken the seeker within.

Book: Mastery of Consciousness- Awaken the Inner Prophet: Break the limits of circumstances, body & mind.

Mastery of Consciousness Siddha teachings- experiential wisdom of life, enlightenment and the journey to fulfill our highest purpose.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I think I would probably ask you to give me a little bit of your experiences and journey that you had and your wealth of insight into some extraordinary experiences as it relates to yoga and other deeper experiences of you know siddhi, right? So if you can just give me a little idea about you, know how you started, where you, where you moved and where you are right now, Okay, so you know, like I had an experience when I was a little boy in the forest and it was on.

Speaker 2:

It was on a pilgrimage to Sabarimale and at that time I was a being about five and you know, that particular time was when we got lost in the forest and everybody was basically scared and afraid and chanting swamiye sarnamayapa. I remember being the person who was able to see a luminous figure next to us and I was surprised that no one knew that that figure was next to us and the moment I alerted everyone and everybody turned around he smiled and said so you have lost the weight, this is the way points out. And the next moment he disappeared. But that being became my best friend. So throughout my school days, any time, I would close my eyes and hold my breath. That being will be with me. So I considered that like my childhood mate, he was more like my best friend than I had, but I was not spiritual in any sense.

Speaker 2:

As I grew up, I went to did my college and went to London to do my college and when I came back I was over ambitious. I started, I was in the granite business and I had businesses in over four countries and I had a lot of people working for me and I had just done a major mega export and I should have been happy. But suddenly something struck me then that I was going to die. So the moment I realized that I was going to die, you know, I remember a friend of mine, a lady. She did the turret car this isn't Chennai and I picked up three turret cars and all three was dead. Then I'm walking down the street and you know this, killijose, here there's a parrot guy. That guy called me and he tells me there's, there's death waiting for you. Now, normally a guy like that, lonely, give you a good news, but here he's. Then I went to see a saint who supposedly able to limit it, and he's also written why I've come, my name and background, and that death was coming for me. So when I sort of like came to a place where I said, okay, so it is, my neighbor gives me a small wooden lingam. I hold that lingam and for the first time I'm praying deeply to God saying where are you? And I hear a voice saying I am coming to take you today evening. And so that team, whole day I waited in my flat, in my, in my apartment building and that evening I had here a knock on my door. I opened the door and I see a young person with fire in his eyes and he said Lord Shiva has sent me to take you. You have death coming for you. Are you ready to come with me? I said I've been waiting all my life for you. Take me wherever you want. That's how my journey began.

Speaker 2:

So he took me to Kalahasri, took me through a lot of ceremonies and there was a lot of rituals, and that ritual was also very crazy, because it was scary because I was beginning to see my death of last life, of the life before that, of the life before that, and every time I was seeing death, I was seeing the wisdom in that particular life. So I was beginning to see death after death, after death, and eat death was painful. It was not, you know, in any sense cool and easy. It was incredibly scary. Also, and deep inside that, he gave me a mantra and I started chanting that mantra and slowly, as you, saw blue light inside me and you know that was God. And soon that blue light became bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, and soon it became me, and then the next day, something in me had shifted completely. I was not that person, so my you know, I'll still remember.

Speaker 2:

The next day we go up at Kanapanaya hillock and we're doing a Sivalinga puja, and when we're doing the Sivalinga puja, these cobras, cobras actually come out to watch the puja. I see, now I'm coming down and the the interesting part of this was about a month before that. They said there was a blackest granite quarry in the world and they brought me two pieces of that and I told them to carve that into Sivalingams, not knowing this was going to happen to me. So I had these two Sivalinga and these two Sivalingams are charged at that puja. And so, after the puja is over, I'm holding my Sivalingam and walking down and suddenly I realized I was not feeling the heat under my foot. My body had gone beyond the heat and cold. Suddenly I realized I was so, so, so, so happy. There was no words to express this happiness, and that's when I realized I was a spirit in this body. Now, exactly 10 days later, I got married to my second wife, and she was basically from Italy. And that night she starts screaming this is not you, this is someone else, this is someone else.

Speaker 2:

But then my journey as a yogi began, because the moment after this was over, I couldn't drink anymore. I used to like I never used to get drunk, but I used to like drinking. But I couldn't drink anymore. Yeah, I couldn't. I couldn't eat me, eat me couldn't eat meat anymore. I couldn't smoke anymore. Something had shifted in me completely. And now, early in the morning, I'm picking up and I started starting to do my puja. So now the puja went on and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on and on.

Speaker 2:

And then meanwhile my, my, my ex-wife, she was getting more grounded in human reality and I was going more to the caves. So in this process, nine years went fast and in the nine years I you know, sometimes she would go to Bangalore saying, have fun, and she'll go for three days and I'll go meditating and I won't come out for one day. Two days, three days, I'm inside the lingam, and lingam becomes more and more and more and more powerful. So soon this is the second floor, third floor, okay, now, soon, all the old crows used to come, there'll be a more dead, or an old squirrel dead, or a old rat dead, or a old sparrow dead. Some animal will become to the lingam and it'll be dead near the lingam.

Speaker 2:

And then it came to a place in point where my entire business was turned upside down. And this was when my when my daughter was born my first daughter was born my entire business turned upside down and at that time my father and mother said take the lingam, give it off to some temple. And my own guru, my first guru, came and told me give it off to a temple. I think you know you have gone too far into it. You need to come back. That's when a saint lady who was in saint meditating inside a cave in in Kalyanathirthaam, all the way south. She came to me in my meditation saying bring the lingam for me. So I took a car from Chennai and drove all the way down towards the signal really tight, it's all the way down south. And when I reached the cave with the lingam, she asked me where is the lingam from? And I said Sri Kala Hasti. She starts crying.

Speaker 2:

She tells me that the day she came in my meditation, that's the same time, lord Suva appeared in Bukha and told her your end is coming nearby. You had already been in the cave for something like 30 years. So Lord Suva told her you have your end is coming near, coming to you. You need a lingam to get into Samadhi and that lingam needs to come from Kala Hasti. So she asked Lord Suva, saying at my age, how can I go to Kala Hasti and find the lingam? So Lord Suva said I will bring it to you. So when I brought her the lingam, that was her confirmation. But when she told me she's going to give me a lingam she told me she told me to bring the lingam she said I will give you the Akasha lingam.

Speaker 2:

Now I did not know anything about the Akasha lingam or anything else, it just felt so genuine and true that I brought the lingam to her. So I do all my pooja and then I come down a little bit heavy hearted because letting go of my lingam there. I was coming out a little bit heavy hearted when my third guru, annesada Raja Swami, was there and he comes from the Siddha lineage and he basically made me sit near him and he does a fire pooja and opens the door of all the Siddhas and just when I said, finally I've connected to the family, he touches me in my heart and say touches me on my chest and says now you have the Akasha lingam with you. So in the moment, all this connected and so that was my third guru, okay, who came into my life and from then on, yadu Krishnamayini Amma, the lady saint. She used to have a cave inside her cave and that cave she gave it to me. So every time I would go to her, spend my time with her and she would teach me how to do the Sivalinga pooja, because every time I go there I would do my pooja for the lingam and she would be guiding me. Okay, so this was one part of the story that went on and on and one by one, by one by one, I connected to all my many gurus, and I have a total of eight gurus.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now, in this process, in this process was so many amazing crazy stories that I've had with each of my gurus. Like there was one of my gurus who was up at mountain, who had not eaten for something like. Like he fasted for a total of 18 years. He drank only one cup of milk a day. He never moved. So I used to go see him every once a month. For two years he never called me inside and those days my entire business had toppled, toppled on his head.

Speaker 2:

So at that time, at that time I was having all the possible pressure in my life because my whole business toppled. So at that time I went and bought him camper. I bought him about 15 kilos of camper and fruits. When I reached this cave he said whoever told whoever brought this camper, tell him to take it back. I was heartbroken, heartbroken. Then he tells them tell him to take the camper to the top of the mountain and burn it. So the 15 kilos of camper, slowly, I burnt it and it took me about two, three hours to finish burning it. Just after I finished burning it, the rock underneath cracked and that's when somebody said hey, guru Ayya is calling you. I go there. He says now, tell him to take his fruits and distribute it. So this is how he rid me of. He rid me of all my, all my inner things.

Speaker 2:

But what happened during this particular process was I used to go to those caves and and wonder how I was going to deal with human reality, because the human reality was getting bad to us. Everything around me was, was hard, I was peaceful, but I had about 25 creditors because now my entire business was falling on his head. I had over 25 creditors. So there were the Guru of the cave, janadana Swami told me my Guru has come with two of his Guru friends and all three of them have not spoken for over 15, 20 years. But if you ask them for anything they will respond to you. So go ahead and ask.

Speaker 2:

So I walked up to them and said Guruji is tomorrow. I heard that tomorrow you are walking all the way from Tiruvannamalai, you're going all the way to the Himalayas and going around India all the way and coming back. Can I ask you a question? They said okay. So I said here everything is peaceful, but downstairs, in reality, it's war. What is the form of yoga I need to do downstairs over there? Because, see, whatever yoga you are talking about is Brahmanic girl and women for the Shastriya, yes. So my question was what is the yoga I need to do downstairs over there? But a long time there's silence. Then one of them said what uses the silence if it cannot help humanity? And one of them broke the silence. Speak to me the first 30, 40 minutes. It was just pure energy. I don't even know, remember what it was. It was like you know about the 10,000 things being told to me at the same time. It was just a probe energy.

Speaker 2:

Then they said we'd like to give you a gift, a boon. Ask for anything and I'll give it to you. So I laughed and told them what I am going to ask. You are not going to be able to give it to me, okay, so don't make promises that if you want, if you really want to give me something, tell me. You are not going to give me what I am going to ask you for. They said no, no, no, we will be walking by foot. We can make you the prime minister of the country. If you want, we can do anything for you. You want to be the richest person on planet earth? We'll make that happen for you. Do and ask for anything. We'll make that happen for you, but you need to just ask. So I said okay, give me the wisdom behind all your years of silence. Interesting. They said no, no, no, that's not true. Yes, nothing else is real. So then they said we know now why we broke a silence. And then they said we have a gift for you beyond all this, and this is Saivam victory. Saivam victory is what Rajaraja Jola and all the Pandyas had as a motto Saivam means consciousness, victory is victory. Consciousness be successful, be victory almost instantly to woke up a dream in me, and when I was a small boy I used to imagine saving the life, all the old cows. I used to imagine having lots of land and I used to imagine growing lots of food and feeding millions. So this is one of my plans, as is coming true. The other plan is declaration of consciousness. Okay, I'll come to that. So anyway, this is one part.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile, getting back into the Aiyah story now, I though I was getting really angry with Aiyah saying I had so many types of the mountain, you never called me up even once. Tradition In my mind. I used to meditate. One day I was in Bangalore and through Mahasivaratri, 14 days I fast. So on the 11th day or 12th, 11th day, he comes, aiyah comes and says come, pack your bags and come.

Speaker 2:

So I questioned that. I said listen, how do I know? My mind is not playing tricks with me? He said ask me a question. So I said why do you sit in Mahalasana? Everybody sits in Padmasana, but why do you sit in Mahalasana? Because all the Tibetan tantric sit in Mahalasana. So why do you sit in that posture? So he explained to me. He said you know, when you wake up you will consider your body a shirt. I want to get rid of it and walk away. The easiest way to do it is sit down in Padmasana. You can leave your body and go. That means go into Samadhi. But if you sit in Mahalasana you can't. Second, you can raise your energy effortlessly above your navel. Third, you can use your two legs underneath your foot to regulate your breath. So I went.

Speaker 2:

So when I went up the mountain over 90 to 100 persons in the mountain. I was taking a stick and literally beating up everyone and calling everyone with absolute bad words. He was saying you fellows, you come here only to ask me for something. None of you guys are real. Only one person in the whole crowd have come here only for me and points me out. And then I received my initiation face to face from him.

Speaker 2:

But when I came back after the initiation, I felt huge being inside me. Then I was, you know like. I was back in my hometown and I'm headed to. You know where Sadhu Krishnameniamma lives. That's where Mahasivaratri takes place. So I was supposed to go there.

Speaker 2:

But early in the morning somebody woke me up and said come write. And from writing and writing and beginning to write, something that made no sense to me, it was just some amazing things. I'm writing, it was like ancient poetry, I'm writing. When I finished writing, that being inside me says sign as Adi Guru Nada. So I sign Adi Guru Nada. I did not even know what Adi Guru Nada meant, nothing. A few hours later we take the car and we are headed all the way south from Mahasivaratri and as we go through the road somebody tells me the single most ancient Lord Buddha temple is in the place called Kurukutare. So we decide to go to Kurukutare, to this particular temple. When I go to this temple, suddenly my hair starts standing up. It's something like so powerful, and I literally go running inside and I apologize to the Lord Muruga over there inside a cave and I hear his voice. I am Adi Guru Nada and that's when, I realized the connection.

Speaker 2:

And then he said you are Nandi and gave me the name Nandi. So I asked who is this Nandi all about? He said there was a sage called Tirumoolanadara, and there was a sage called Patanjali, and all these gurus, they all had a guru and that guru's name was Nandi. You are Nandi, so that's how I got my name Nandi. Now, ever since then, you know like, one by one, I've been having. You know, like I had each of my gurus that came into my life, came and performed miracles, and this is how my journey has been. So now, having said all this, my life purpose is to reach consciousness to humanity. There are three dimensions. The first dimension is like. I landed here September 11, 10 days before September 11. And so when September 11 happened to me, my question was what is the solution against terrorism? How can we resolve this? Because this is not a problem now. This has been a problem for the last thousand years for the whole of planet earth. So declaration of consciousness is an idea, is where, if we set standards of belief systems across the globe for all nations to follow, all religions have to comply to that. All religions have to upgrade and we can definitely be the solution towards the demographic changes. This is one part of it.

Speaker 2:

Then the second is World Yogi Day, mahasivarathri See for a Hindu. More important than Christmas for Christians is Mahasivarathri for Hindus, because this is the time when genuinely everything works in our favor to enlighten ourselves. This is that when you say enlightenment, it means expanding your consciousness. When your consciousness is expanded, you are now a divine entity in the human body. In other words, now you will be able to utilize your entire potential, human potential in all the forms you are able to utilize. In other words, it will enable you to complete your life destiny, your highest purpose. You are able to be happy. The word happiness means if you are mighty inspired. Now you are truly happy. So this is Mahasivarathri that comes once a year World Yogi Day.

Speaker 2:

So these are the two major things I am doing, while on the other side, this sanctuary for old age animals. I got it started about, say, five years ago, but now I am trying to work it as a community, a global community. So all of this is now coming into actual reality as to what I am doing. So now is also the time when I realize it's time also to share this information, share the teaching, and that is in the form of my teaching called mastery of consciousness. So if we are looking at what does humanity need? The solution really is an upliftment of consciousness, and that's all. Think from a higher place. The world will be a better place. That's it. And if this could happen to anyone and everyone, why not? So this is the entire idea of what mastery is.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you so much, very deep. I am sure that the world does not express everything, but I can only feel the deep experiences that you have gone through. Normally it doesn't happen with anyone. I think you are a very unique person to have these direct experiences of consciousness and to be able to connect with them.

Speaker 1:

Typically, as in yoga patanjali, you actually try to concentrate your outward senses to your inner consciousness through a process of eight steps and then somehow, if you are doing the practice right over several years, you are able to then start what we call as antrang yoga, where you get into dharana, dhyana and samadhi. But it seems that somehow you are able to get to the states of samadhi, or experiential part of samadhi, through your journey. I think that's what I gather. But I think you mentioned a couple of other things the message that you received during your, I would not say journey, but somehow it's a part of your sadhana, because you went from place to place, guru to guru. So it's a sadhana of its own kind and I'm sure that you must have had experiences and hard time and rigor during your sadhana. So you talked about helping humanity during meeting with those reverend gurus that you met. So I think this type of process as described in yoga, which you had a very different route of, I would say very yogi route, or very ancient route, where people would not actually go through this contemporary style of yoga, they actually used to do sadhana under one guru or the other. They would go from one place, seek and then figure out, learn by themselves, find the right people, right gurus, right siddhas, which I think is what your story also reflects.

Speaker 1:

So the thing is that there is a very wide gap between what you have experienced, or what the consciousness experiences are, and what science like to understand. Right, I mean, there are only limited scientific ways to be able to understand the experiences or the very high level of experiences that you have just mentioned. But on the ground level, on the level of science that we call as a science, the thing is that we are still trying to figure out things what is right, what is wrong, how one can connect to consciousness and everyone narrow downs to the same process of going through some kind of a holistic path like yoga and to be able to find yourself and know who you are, and things like that. So I think, within that scenario, when we try to understand.

Speaker 1:

I think another important thing I learned from you is which is part of my caution is that when we try to define the traditional way of doing yoga, which you just described in your own experiences you mentioned, I can find the guru, I can find your own deep grit and quest, no matter how it started right, but eventually you got into it and you sort things of your own. These are some of the things that are here. Are the key components of your yoga path. Do you, in a very, I would say, more communicative words, what do you think are important in your journey? What were the key tenets of your journey, or a traditional journey, if somebody wants to follow your path?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, see, the most important. One of the things that I've noticed people don't understand about yoga is the push and pull. You can do how much ever you want. That's the push, but there is the factor of the pull. The pull is grace, and I feel that my entire journey has been blessed with grace. But in this word, grace also comes with. What is it that I had to do to attain that grace?

Speaker 2:

For instance, you know, like one of my gurus, like I, was going through a very tough financial situation and my guru tells me I need 210 blankets because we planned to do pilgrimage up the mountain and all the sadhus would come, and so he wanted to give one blanket to everyone and he said I need 210 blankets. So I was in a soup, so I did not know how to do it. But then what I did was, you know, like my uncles had basically cheated my father and they had wronged my father and they were basically industrialists and they had taken over all the businesses. So it was in a bad, bad, bad place. So I actually went in humility to them and said, listen, I need your help, I need you to help me with this, and they actually gave me the money and I got it and when I went up, right on top of the mountain, my Guru says you really think I did not know you were going to a financial hassle? Tell me about what happened. So I told them. You know what. I went there and at that time I had to forgive my uncles and I asked them for this. He said that's why I told you to do this. I wanted you to forgive, I wanted you to let go, and so I told you to do this. I knew you were in a financial place like this, but then I wanted you to bend your head down and so I had you do this.

Speaker 2:

So this is the way the Guru basically guided me, like guided me in so many ways to crack my own self Absolutely and break myself, and also to understand that the only truth in being is being that of Dharma. That's the only truth. Are you here as Dharma? If you are here as Dharma, you realize yourself as a yogi. If you have not been able to understand Dharma, then there's nothing else real about life. Everything rotates to that. And then the third dimension that for me in particular, was that I felt, you know, I knew there was a truth within yoga. There is yoga and yoga forms, but I wanted to get a truth within yoga, to understand what was beyond all of this. So my Guru, who was up in the mountain, you know, for 18 years he was there without speaking to anyone because his tongue was upward it's called Kechari Mudra.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Kechari Mudra.

Speaker 2:

So he was in Kechari Mudra for all the years. I used to climb up the mountain and go and quietly spend the night over there, just to be near him. Because my question was what is it that he is experiencing with so much joy that he does not want to see any human being In a day? At 6 am they'll open his you can't even call it a game All the stuff put on top, piled on top, and it was like a small little crevice and at 8 o'clock they close it and the rest of the time nobody could go inside. Nobody should disturb him. So I was outside and my question was what is he doing inside? That is so super exciting? So I would meditate and meditate, of course without him knowing. I was there and at 3 o'clock in the morning he is singing and it literally felt like the whole of the heavens coming down to earth.

Speaker 2:

But what I understood from here was the ecstasy, and that is the truth of your inner journey. If you have that joy, you will do any, you will set any discipline to have more of that, and that is what makes you a yogi. So you will wake up at whatever time it takes to get more of joy to see more of that. Then you understand Nataraja the dancer saying are you the dancer, are you the ecstasy, are you the orgasmic joy? Now connect that to your reality. So this from the deepest teaching is called tantiram, the root tantram. Tantiram really means orgasmic bliss on every layer of thought. So what we humans normally experience in terms of love making as fraction of seconds, we are experiencing eternally, at all times.

Speaker 2:

Now, that is the truth of the state of Turiya. So when you say Turiya, now you go back into all the temples, you will see hundred heads, ten heads, many hands, many legs. All this denotes the state of Turiya, the super conscious state of mind. And this super conscious state of mind is the ultimate objective of being a yogi, because now you can utilize all this power to complete your purpose. See, there was an avatar, from Lord Rama to Lord Krishna. They all came here for a purpose. They didn't simply come, they came for a purpose. That purpose is in everyone. So if you can awaken now, you, the avatar who has come to complete your highest purpose, that turns out to be humanity's purpose.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And when you are now in this vibratory state, all your siddhis wake up. Now, every one of us have our own special siddhi. If you ask me what is happiness, I would say when you are flowing in inspiration, that's happiness. Right Now, you are working with several layers. You're only completing yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I would so sorry go ahead, thank you.

Speaker 2:

So ultimately beginning, and in the end, it's always and mostly the Guru's grace, at least for me, my Guru has been my grace Many times. I would go to Siddhartha Raja Swami's residence and I'll always have so much of thoughts and sometimes I'll think, oh my God, I really, really, really want to come on, lord Muruga. I mean I go there. He says come, here's the initiation. Excuse me, lord Muruga, initiation, but this is the way my Gurus have fed me all along. They knew exactly what I wanted and he'll give me exactly what I wanted at that point in time. Every single Guru of mine, every single thing, every single time.

Speaker 2:

And for me I was lucky to have the eight Gurus who came from different dimensions. Yes, like recently, my last Guru, my eighth Guru, was another amazing being. I was walking around Arunachala. Okay, now, when you walk around Arunachala, you start your walk after 12 o'clock at night and your best time is new moon, because from that time onward, you will start meeting real-time Siddhas. Siddhas who may read in books or hear about, you actually will meet them physically when you walk in the mountain.

Speaker 1:

When was that? Which time, which year you're talking about?

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about Arunachala mountain.

Speaker 1:

No, but which year? Yeah, yeah, I have been to Arunachala. Which year are you referring to?

Speaker 2:

I am talking about three years ago. Three years ago, okay, okay, about four years ago. So when I was walking around. But so when I was walking around four years ago around the mountain, I saw Siddha come and I went and got his blessing In 45 minutes he was walking the opposite direction, anti-clockwise. In 45 minutes he's coming from the other side, 14 kilometers. So when I went to get his blessings he said I already blessed you Move. But when he walked it felt like a bus moving, so much air moving through with him.

Speaker 2:

So the next, amma Vasa, I went to the new moon. I went there and there I saw him in a tea shop and I connected with him and he and I became friends and he, he meditated on Lord Shiva because he had no human contact, none, no human place, no place, nothing, nothing. He just is like thin air. He walks around, he goes around, he lives his own life. He doesn't even communicate to anyone. So when he meditated on Lord Shiva, lord Shiva told him to give, told him to give me. He said give him all your powers, be with him, guide him, because he is doing something for humanity. So give him all your energy and all your power. So I started doing a lot of pilgrimages with him. In fact, like the last three months I was in India. You know, I did two pilgrimages with him and then he guided me to several temples, all the temples that you see in my YouTube channel is, hopefully, is his guidance and all mind-blowing temples.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, the thing is when I, when I am with him, we communicate only one thing mantra. He'll say a mantra and I will say a mantra. He'll say Om Ari Om and I will say Om Ari, om, om, ari, Om, om Ari Om. This continuously for about six hours, seven hours. So it was like an energy transfer. So another dimension is people need to understand is the mantra through which everything begins and ends, and that mantra given by the Guru is literally like receiving another reality, another reality to yourself. Okay, so it's so vital in this.

Speaker 2:

And then also, when I think of each of my Gurus, I seem to think of that as an energy transfer to me Almost instantly. Like my Guru, I am 18 years of tapas he was. Then he spent another nine years of tapas. Now, in those days he used to mention I am going to be doing this, I will do this, I will do that, and everyone around him would look crazy. But whatever he said he was doing, I realized I am the one doing it Today. Whatever I am doing, I will do this, I will do that, that's exactly what I am doing. So, in other words, the Guru will absorb you and then you will become the vessel, you will become the instrument, and then all the Guru's instruments you become.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I would only say every single thing I do is my Guru, not me.

Speaker 1:

So wonderful to hear that, contrary to what is happening around us in the spiritual world, where the Shishya is completely relegating to Gurus into oblivion, Right, it's them, right. I mean, it's so amazing and so powerful to hear that you attribute everything to your Gurus. That's wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Every single thing. Look at it this way what is my study knowledge? Nothing, nothing, nothing. At the same time, all I know is that everything comes from inside out. So when I wrote a book called Mastery of Consciousness where I mentioned 108 Sutras Now I realize each of the Sutras are from inside out. But then I am talking about modern life. Every circumstance has a spiritual solution. Every circumstance has a spiritual solution, and that solution really is mostly a complete shift. See, when people talk about meditation in the West, most are familiar with the Buddhist form of meditation, and in the Buddhist form of meditation, like Kervipasana and others, it's about stilling your mind and having no thought. You might still your mind, you might feel happy, but the problem remains the same. That is completely different from the Tantric Buddhism or Hinduism, because what, how we see it is, if you see a problem outside, it is your duty to resolve the problem from inside you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. You work that and now you will attain peace by resolving the problem, not by running away from it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I think you gave a good example that how you forgive your uncles, you know, because that's an internal change, that Total, total, total, because otherwise how would I have been able to do it?

Speaker 1:

Yes, Absolutely, and I think obviously I don't have as deep experience as you, but when you are mentioning these things, within my own domain, I have tried all these things and I am so happy to hear you know the same thing, which I have, you know, exercised to a lot extent, and I continue to believe, and I'm very thrilled to hear those things from you. It's very reinforcing and encouraging. So I think I just want to do a little bit of a shift because I think, as you said, you know what good it is unless it is good for humanity, right, and that you experienced long time ago. And then you are also emphasizing that you know the practice has to have a solution for the real world. I mean, it cannot be something that is happening in isolation. And then the third thing is that you yourself have been at the center of a lot of, you know, humanitarian or social or consciousness thinking that needs to be brought at the global level, including the. You know your involvement with the International Yoga Day and things like that. So now we are in a world which is actually very, very destructive and then but you know, on a good note, you know things like International Yoga Day happen and people have adopted yoga, you know, as a mind body. You know mind body relief or mind body changes, and many of them are able to move forward, right, move forward to the internalization of the yoga or the concepts of yoga.

Speaker 1:

So in this world now we have two situations. One is that, you know, people want to learn things. People want to, probably, they have the seed within, but it's not nurtured. So they are somehow getting an entry through these processes of remote, reaching out, remote yoga, remote, this remote, that, and obviously the same traditional Guru Shishya methodology, is very difficult to follow and adopt unless there is someone who has, you know, similar to your journey. Right, very, very few people are able to quit the world and take Varagaya and follow this hard path, which is not easy as well, which is actually more difficult. So people are falling back to something called as Raj Yoga. Okay, live in this world and still do things. So I think we are at a point where number one, it seems like the remote yoga is, or these technology based yoga or consciousness learning are not sufficient to a large extent. So how do we actually come to an integrated way where people can reach the highest goal using the modern day systems and methods and technologies, and yet be able to progress rightly.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes. So that's a good question. That's a good question because, see, when I had been taking people on a journey, you know, people naturally come and say, okay, then teach me, take me to the meditation, and I call that a journey. So every time I would do it, of course you'd wake the person up and take the person break. You know, like, see, from our pathway, everything is this instant, in this instant we basically break through and you know like you climb several layers in your consciousness. But this was taking away a lot of my energy every single time. And then the demand started getting more and more, like two, three, four, five people a day, and if I was to spend so much time it was breaking me apart because there's too much energy flowing through me to make that happen, to work it.

Speaker 2:

So I created a two CD thing, you know, like two CD digital, to basically start teaching people. So I realized that all it takes is the certain principles. You light a lamp and when you light your lamp and think about connecting, now you are connected. Now you can go electronic, you can go digital, right. So in other words, we can work with the digital world as long as there's certain protocols involved in it. For instance, the certain mantra has to begin with light your lamp. You know, and as simple as this. You know, just know that in the breathless breath we are one.

Speaker 2:

Now there are a few things and then it sort of like makes up, because I look into it from a. I look at life from a very different perspective. My perspective is what if I'm dead already and now I come back into the body, how will you live? So, if you are the spirit having this human experience, it's the spirit that you need to connect with, not me, not the ego, me, not the human me, that human me help, help, but in the spirit that you are connecting with. So this is how it, this is how it is. So, at the same time, when the person is seeking, and seeking enough, if they can hold that intellectual process, then the spiritual side will naturally enter in without any hassles.

Speaker 2:

Now, a lot of times in the West they have a thing saying oh, I am the Guru, the Guru is me, I am the Guru. But this is the problem, because now they do any BS they want Saying I am the Guru, I am the Guru, but they don't understand that there is all of us are chunks of karma, all of us, some little, some more. They don't understand that that karma is going to start acting out in play Right Now, when this this is a very interesting concept that very few people reckon with when the soul sees God, or identifies, or realizes it's near God, it says I am, I am, I am. And the soul will say I want to be. The body and mind says me too.

Speaker 2:

But the body and mind has to repay the karma of all the years of evolution to get there. So suddenly, now, after a person has woken up, suddenly they are finding thousand problems hurling at them, because the body and mind also wants to complete itself. So when thousands of problems are hammering a person, you know when a person has a near death experience, they wake up to the spiritual side. So when they wake up to the spiritual side, instead of all peaceful and nice, suddenly life is like a hurricane, and trying to be the center of the hurricane is not easy. Here is where Guru's grace is necessary.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is something very few people even know about. To understand why and here is where I realized throughout my time in the other end as a seeker, I was hit over and, over and over and the absolute crazy waves, the hardest possible waves in the human realities. And I know it is my gurus who basically were there between me and my realities, taking me like from a stream to the river, river to the ocean. They were the ones who transported me all the way through.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So how do we then leverage these masses using this whole gamut of technology? How do we actually? Because I think in the present world, the physical interaction and physical process is not seemingly possible or adaptable. I think we are all used to a different mindset. Now, here, and you know, basically everything needs to be on your fingertip. So how do we bring about these changes that you have outlined? Or even for uplifting the awareness or the consciousness in this scenario, what would be a way out?

Speaker 2:

See, I would look into it from the perspective of there are a few guiding principles that basically is important in the journey. The first is bhakti, divine love, that goodness that without that no progress can be made. First there must be the divine love, and people don't understand its importance. And the moment they forget divine love, then whatever you do, you cannot. You know, it's like when you listen to, when you listen to someone chanting, that person has that particular energy, but then how much of that are you going to take home? Right, it's only divine love that basically can accumulate for you. That's the first. The second is knowing the law of karma and dharma. This only a guru can teach you.

Speaker 2:

The law of karma and dharma is so important. Like one thing my guru would constantly tell me, unless the Raja, the Sava, the Raja, the Kuma, the Swami, would tell me yes, you live for dharma, you are dharma and there's no truth other than dharma. Have you fed the hungry? You have an opportunity to do so, and many times I might not have any money with me, but somehow dharma would be my first thing and somehow that is the only thing that will protect you. Now, this dharma also means best practice in everything you do in every possible way. So now karma is a different act altogether, because people forget the law of karma once they have power.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you are healthy and you have vitality, you have power, and people don't understand that. Then you have that. When you have time on your hand, you are needing to basically rest. Now that's another dimension. This is a very important thing To understand. You are enjoying time as a timeless person. We all think time is mind, time is mind. No, you belong to timelessness. You are only renting time. You are a time-render and if you understand that you are the timelessness in time, you will not waste a single moment. And to understand timelessness means you need to meditate, you need to go there, you need to be in this posthumous, and then you also need to know why on earth you are here. What are you doing here? Why are you wasting your time?

Speaker 2:

Yes, if you think a person might think I am very, very, very happy with nothing, reality is you are not happy because you are going to come back into the same old, same old, again and again, and again and again. You cannot be happy. But you can be happy if you have completed yourself, or completing yourself. Now you are happy. In other words, you are embedding timelessness in time.

Speaker 2:

This concept of timelessness in time is so important to anyone practicing yoga because, see, my yoga is called Kala Kundalini Yoga. Kala means time, kala means the one who wears time, kundalini is the awakening line of fire. In other words, if you know you are the timelessness in time, you are the spirit having the human experience and you are not bound by fate and you are the master of your destiny. Now, this would make sense to someone who actually is moving through the path as guided by the Guru, because in practical reality, it's very difficult for anyone who realize they are timelessness in time. This is why it is so important to meditate, it is so important to do yoga to understand timelessness Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I think, some very powerful techniques and part of those processes, the bhakti, I think, most of the places, I think, or I would say, in typical yoga that we are introduced to the whole masses. That's not even connected to these things. I mean, it's such a vast misunderstanding and gap and I don't know how. I mean, you are basically one of those people who are inspired to make global changes and I don't know how this is possible for people to understand these things.

Speaker 2:

See, you've got to take it from a very different perspective. Look at it this way. Okay, when Swami Vivekananda came to this country many years ago, they threw soda bottles at him, coca-cola bottles at him. They were people who were nasty. The same thing happened even when Paramahamsa Yoga Rangaka came. They were nasty, they really were nasty. They were good people, but they were also nasty people.

Speaker 2:

But this is all the opposition to the idea of yoga, opposition to the idea of meditation. Today, everybody wants to look like a yogi, everybody wants to meditate. Today, everybody wants to say I am an Indian guy, I everybody wants to say I have an Indian name. Everybody wants to say I have been to India, I have an Indian master. Time's the change. So I would say, first and foremost, let's welcome that. Second, now you know there's been a whole bunch of you know you have cat yoga, dog yoga, all yoga.

Speaker 2:

But when you look into when I did Kundalini Yoga with Yogi Bhajan, it shocked the hell out of me because this didn't look real yoga. This was a realized master who came down and spun something around it and called it Kundalini Yoga and said one size fits all and put it together and everybody loved it. So my thinking is that has been a. That is a good thing for humanity to basically have had that thing called Kundalini Yoga, even if it was made up over here and it had no semblance to the original yoga practice. No semblance to the original practice. Actually, the name Kundalini was a fantastic name he used, but it shocked people to move in the right direction. So I would say let's welcome all the possibilities, permutations, good, bad, ugly of yoga, because only thing that will happen is the right direction will come. Higher vibration will come, whichever way it is, let's not bother about that. Let's welcome that, welcome the inflowing this and that. See it from another perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Another very interesting perspective, okay, and that is in the first few waves of people coming out of India, where the most intelligent people because in India there was a brain drain, because the brains were otherwise in a drain in India so the best of the brains left India and came here, the best of the brains, and mostly they were Brahmins, right, mostly they were Brahmins. Now, the Thai 3 mantra was never supposed to be chanted to anyone today and those days, no one. It was only meant to be given by an initiation and it was only meant for a Brahman and only meant from year to year. Not even women should listen to it. Who was it? But the best of the brains came here and the IT revolution started because of them. And the IT revolution condensed everything and moved communication so much that today the Thai 3 mantra is available in any corner you want.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Today, the Thai 3 mantra is music in whichever way. You have at least 100 videos on the Thai 3 mantra, and the Thai 3 mantra is so popular all over the world. In other words, what I'm coming to say is the revolution has taken place, and the revolution is the information technology. So whatever is happening basically is when light energy enters any form of darkness. Darkness is just exist. So let's welcome the light, let's welcome the change, let's welcome the near. Welcome the way everybody is copying yoga. Let's welcome the way everybody is trying to say I am a yogi. You know it's trying to say wow, while more let's have more of it.

Speaker 2:

Yes absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I think, if nothing else, as you said, that they express this whole thing paradigm shift so enthusiastically and at least they have the guts to ask or look for, what is yoga?

Speaker 2:

that itself is a big change, exactly exactly Today, everybody is trying to say I am India, I am more Indian than you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that's the only way. So, whichever way it is, this is the only thing I would say. Let's welcome it. There's going to be the good, there's going to be the bad, there's going to be the ugly, but nothing can be better than a higher vibration coming here. Whichever way, as long as somebody can still remain, as long as somebody can understand between karma and dharma, as long as they can expand their consciousness, the world is in a better place.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, I think that I look in. I look in. It's simple like this if, for instance, you taste a drop of honey, you will want the honey pot. So as long as they are able to reach humanity with a drop of honey, you know they'll come for the honey pot, and the honey pot is consciousness.

Speaker 1:

That is correct?

Speaker 2:

yes, absolutely, that's okay. It's just that you have good salesmen, bad salesmen.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah. Now I think that that summarizes everything and I think I'm very happy to have kind of a circle back to this thing and the whole cycle seems like a great insight into I mean, actually there are two aspects. One is, you know this, my research aspect, but I mean, at these meeting enlightened people like you, it's very inspirational, very deep experience for me also because I meet some amazing people and it just kind of inspired me as a person, gives a little bit of light within my heart and inspired me to continue moving forward in my personal pursuit of my own. I don't know, because it's a journey. Journey is like I cannot say this milestone, that milestone, but yes, the journey continues.

Speaker 2:

See, once you are in the path, you have no option. Then, from a stream to become the river, no option. Then a river to be built no option. This life is going to take you there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I've been through on the path, you'll also realize the miracles of being in this process of transformation. You can really realize before the miracle itself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think you know, if I look back, or we, I mean I can say, let's say, about myself. You know, I mean, if I look back, you know there are a lot of things when you were a young boy, you think of many things. You have goals. One goal moves to another goal a few years down the line. You have another goal then and you actually have these milestones and goals all the way, you know, in your life and then you end up achieving probably none of them. Right, I would not say that I've achieved one goal, but I did.

Speaker 1:

I was able to draw a line in a certain direction. And what I mean is that, you see, you can only and I think this is not my word, but I think I remember because of this I think Steve Jobs once mentioned that you know you can only focus on drawing dots, you cannot draw lines. So the figure will come out automatically. And, as you shared your experience that you know, if you are moving in a path or you are going around Arunachala at the right time, Arunachala, then you would find those enlightened people. You know they will come across for sure. So you have to continue walking down that lane, you know, so I hope I'll continue to be in touch with you. Meet you.

Speaker 2:

Wonderful, wonderful, sanjay. So that's good. So let's end the meeting. So that's good. That's good. Now, that's Sanjay, listen.