Mastery of Consciousness with Nandhiji

Unlocking Good Luck and Spiritual Enlightenment: Exploring the Nine Wisdom Teachings of the Siddha


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Ever dreamt of manifesting good luck at will? Imagine being able to transcend time, lighting your innermost lamp and emerging as a divine instrument directly connected to the source of all wisdom. We're about to embark on an enlightening journey into the Nine Wisdom Teachings of the Siddha that promises to transform your life. Soak in profound teachings that will allow you to mirror the moon, reflecting the divine light within, and rise as a Guru, a Prophet with direct connectivity to the source. 

Wondered about the secrets of Vedic astrology and the power of Jupiter? Consider this your gateway to those mysteries. Uncover the importance of food and its energy, learn how to navigate the mantra of a saint, and increase the potency of your prayers. Get ready to access your inner fire, understand the law of Karma and Dharma, and broaden your awareness to embrace the strength of being heart-centered. This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a transformative experience. Regardless of whether you're a spiritual novice or a seasoned veteran, there's something for everyone here. So, let's get started on this journey to good luck and spiritual enlightenment.

Mastery of Consciousness Siddha teachings- experiential wisdom of life, enlightenment and the journey to fulfill our highest purpose.

Speaker 1:

Namaste Vanakam, divine Beings, such a joy to come together and delve into the source of our experience. Good luck is called Yogan, the One who is gifted in all the attributes of abundance life, love, happiness, health and inspiration. The desire to be happy, to be lucky, to be successful. All of this is the momentum which we can set for ourselves. Good luck to be fortunate to have the blessings of good karma. As the nine wisdom teachings of the Siddha And each of the teachings, we can not only enhance a potential of life but also align our deepest desire and intent to realities. From the Siddha perspective, everything is vibrations. When we say we are lucky, it is alignment of our vibrancy frequency to that which is realities of life, experience and that which we allow as a momentum. So, divine beings, let's begin with the Nine Wisdom Teachings. The very first is understanding ourselves as to be moon-like, to be reflecting, so slight, to be the divine instrument, to be connected to source God. God is absolute infinity void. To be connected to source God means to have our innermost lamp lit. To light the innermost lamp is to set ourselves on the journey, the journey to be that infinite vibrancy, that infinite that has no limits, that is able to transcend impossibility into possibility. So, to begin with, set a light, a lamp, outside ourselves to manifest the light within ourselves Every day. When we light a lamp, we are breaking free of the confines of time. The 24 hour time is like a cage, and when we light a lamp, we are allowing timelessness to allow us to step outside time, to allow us to step outside our limit, to allow us to begin to reflect, or to reflect the divine vibrancy, as in wisdom and as in realities. Becoming the lamp within means for each to be the Guru, to be the Prophet, for each moment of ours to be the scriptures, with no in between middleman. This is between us and source God. So when we have the direct connectivity to source God, goddess, that is the first of the good luck we can have for ourselves. The next is the process of waking up. When we wake up, we realize the law of karma. The law of karma is do good, receive good. Every action has its perfect opposite reaction. To know the law of karma is to know to do good and be good. Being the law of karma, we also are aware of the law of dharma. Dharma is the path of righteousness, the path of goodness. When we understand the law of karma, we also understand that the law of karma is the package of imprint that brings us here to the now. Here we are. We are the package of karma and dharma Of all the past. we are now in the current. So to know what causes good luck, as to work with karma and to allow for dharma means, almost in the moment, allowing for good karma to play its part, allowing for dharma to bring the good luck facted within our realities.

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The third dimension of good luck is being the higher vibrations. That attracts higher vibrations. When we are a light within and in the mantra vibrancy, we are beginning to be the vortex, the vortex of light. This vortex of light attracts only goodness, just that which is vibrating. In other words, the vibrancy that we are attracts the vibrancy of similar nature towards us. When we have that vibrancy of goodness, we attract beings of goodness to us. All forms of abundances are within the vibrancy that we are. That comes to us. So, at all times, be in the vibrancy. allow for the vibrancy of source God to be every moment. Now, when we are constantly in the mantra energies, it's effective to allow us to be the vortex of light because within the mantra is the invoked. Whom we invoke, we become, if we are saying the mantra constantly, with Lord Krishna as to be invoked, we begin to be invoked, have the nature of Lord Krishna. So every mantra Lord Siva, you invoke Lord Siva, we awaken to a higher self to be Lord Siva. So when we are in the higher vibrancy, we are whole and complete. When we are whole and complete, so will we attract to ourselves the wholeness of realities, not the incompleteness of realities.

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The fourth is we can to be the spirit, having this magnificent human experience. When we realize we are the soul, experiencing the human, we transcend karma, the karmic imprints that we experience, as in being the human has a momentum. This momentum we dissolve into Dharma. When we converge Dharma to karma, to Dharma, we are now on the path of aligning source manifestation in our reality. In other words, when we are the spirit, having the human experience as spirit, we have the wisdom and with wisdom we are manifesting heavens as experience and heavens as our realities. So what this means to us is to ask this one powerful question who am I That? who am I as? the answer to it is that I am not this temporary body, i am not the sum total of my karma. I am not the eternal being, but I am the light, i am the vast infinity. I am the soul that is infinite and that has seen many, many, many lifetimes. I am the higher wisdom that gives me this experience. So acknowledge at all times we are the spirit having this magnificent human reality. Receive atmanyanam atma as soul wisdom. Is the soul wisdom.

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Now, if we are guided by the innermost wisdom, soul wisdom, now we are accumulating Dharma and the limits of the human that we have get negated. The fate that essentially we face as an comic imprints gets negated. So how do we attain being the spirit, having the human experience? It is breath, every breath, no That, there is breath within every breath and there is rebirth in every breath. Take a deep inhale now, hold the breath, feel the process of dying and rebirthing every breath. We are rebirthing, rebirthing into the new. We are like newborn baby, the mind that is pristine, the mind that is birthed out of infinity into the now.

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The sixth teaching is to know the power of Jupiter, the Guru, to have a Guru in our life, either by way of teachings It could be as spirit as the living Guru, but the moment we do have a Guru in our life. We are now having the essential energy of Jupiter. Now, in astrology Indian, vedic astrology and all astrology all across the globe Jupiter is mentioned as a Guru and there is a good times and a bad times. This is a cyclical time, a cyclical During the bad times, or the time when we are meant to be facing a lot of challenges. The recognition of the Guru enables all the experience to be transformed to wisdom, no matter how difficult our life is. There is wisdom in this and there is growth. There is the incubation of the greater self through the Jupiter, the Guru. To know that we essentially have within us a Guru is enabling that higher vibrancy of the Guru to be an intent, thought and action. If you go through the Indian traditions, all the Gurus would do goodness in the name of their Gurus. The power of Jupiter, the power of the Guru. Also, what we might strive to master for 10,000 hours to become the expert in, with the Guru's grace, in the moment, timelessness being in time, we transcend time to attain the highest. So seek the higher power as a Guru. Having the Guru is having Jupiter that aligns all the planets to be beneficial to us.

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Some might say I don't believe in astrology, but we have to go back into time to saying that even before the birth of Buddha, when he was in the stomach of his mother, there was the astrologers who predicted his birth. And then, when he was born, he was looking at his charts. They knew this would be his destiny, his fate rather, and then Buddha took the path to set the destiny. So astrology, in a way, has the Vedic astrology with the science of astronomy within astrology. So, within all of this is holding the power of Jupiter within us.

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The next is the seventh Awareness of food as in its energy, awareness of anything we put inside as energy. When we say good luck, we are with the wisdom of vibrancy. Food has vibrancy. So what is the sort of food we want to eat? What is the vibrancy we want to put into ourselves? Is it vibrancy that is of plants or anything that does not carry the karmic influence? So, choose widely as to what we eat, because that affects us in terms of our vibrancy And that affects us in terms of a karmic momentum and karmic influence. And also, what is it that we are listening to, what is it that entertains us, what is it that educates us, what is it that we are, as a hobby, doing So, each of this that we are spending time on. If we understand it from the perspective of vibrancy, we understand also that we can enhance our vibrancy at all times.

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There was a saint Valhallaar who lived about 250 years ago. His life was documented and it was also documented when he dematerialized himself. Now his mantra holds a powerful secret Aruldh param yoti tani param karanai. Aruldh param yoti tani param karanai. It says Aruldh is grace, grace that can transform. You come from what you do. So what we do, what we take within us, matters. If we are with compassion, if we are with love and kindness, we naturally are going to have the grace of light shining through us, and this grace light transforms and evolves us from inside out. Inside is we becoming the yogi being source connected. Outside is the heavens of realities we are creating for ourselves and for humanity.

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The eighth teaching is enhancing the potency of our prayers. Now, how do we enhance the potency of our prayers? When we pray, assuming we are seeking a form of abundance, pray for the whole of humanity. It is very much like connecting electricity to a laptop or connecting electricity to a fridge. There is a different, there is a much bigger amplification of electricity moving through when we talk about connecting it to a fridge. So when we are praying, and we pray for the whole of humanity, our prayer is much more intensified.

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And when we now stand before seeking goodness for the whole, that has potency in terms of its prayers. Likewise is single focus singularity. So when we do yoga, when we meditate, when we light a lamp, we are condensing our mind like a magnifying glass. Condensing sunlight into fire Is how we are condensing all of the prayer into actual realities of being the miracles. So when we pray, understand that we can magnify the potency of the prayers by bringing focus, singularity and all of the mind in the singular intent and expanding the energy of the prayer by making it for the all. And when we make our prayers for the all, now we are able to bring down the power of light not only for ourselves but for all of humanity, and in the process we multiply ourselves.

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Finally, at the last, being heart-centered. When we are heart-centered, it means we are operating from greater love. Where wisdom is. We are the form of Dharma. We are the light residing as the human transforming to being. The angelic Heavens is now here for each of us to experience and be. When we are with the heart, all of our good nature opens up The mind that is able to work with the heart means aligning the right brain with the left brain, aligning supernormal creativity with intellect. When we are able to do this, when we are now being the instrument of the divine in higher vibrancy, with a heart open, only goodness can happen for us.

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So let me go through the teachings again so in this way we can apply it in our daily lives. The first is lighting a lamp. When we light a lamp outside ourselves, we are lighting a lamp inside ourselves and attaining direct source God, god as connection. The name of God and whom we pray to is not as important as the unions we have with that absolute light. And to wake up to understand the innermost Guru within us, to wake up to know we are the prophet and each moment of ours is scriptures And we do not need a middleman between us and God, god as source.

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The next is to know the law of karma and the law of Dharma. So every thought, every intent, thought and action comes from the higher place that sets the momentum of what will be for us, from goodness Then being the higher vibrancy, being the vortex of light, which means at all times being the mantra of vibrancy, at all times allowing the inner fire to grow, allowing ourselves to be in the vortex of light, allowing ourselves to be in the pillar of light. And when we are the pillar of light, wherever we are, we attract to ourselves light, we attract to ourselves higher vibrancy. We attract we being whole. We attract wholeness to us, and wholeness especially as reality itself.

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The next is be the spirit. Having this magnificent human experience being gifted in art, mania, soul, wisdom being the spirit, we are above the limits of comic momentum. Being the spirit, we understand ourselves as angelic presence and our heavens as Dharma in form, goodness of being and being Dharma, we cause for ourselves absolutes of good luck. Attain the greater layers of consciousness, discard the old layers of consciousness. So what does this mean? it means, when you meditate, we are expanding our consciousness and as we expand the consciousness, we see greater joy and greater realities in being. So the previous layers of consciousness also means entanglements in terms of habits, in terms of of bad habits. That does not serve us. Now we are liberating ourselves from the past, liberating ourselves from the comic momentum and stepping out of addictions and creating new habits, being liberated, to having the Chris blessed new.

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Next, a lion, astrol astrology, a lion the guru.

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Have a guru, bring within us a master who negates what in the Western tradition is called, since we call karma.

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We negate karma, negate limits and set for ourselves to attain the impossible, attain the highest, the good that we seek for ourselves. Next is being aware of all inputs, from food that we eat to our entertainment, to our education, to our hobbies, what we do, every single dimension of experience, is based on vibrancy. What vibrancy do we want to put inside ourselves? and that vibrancy is we become. So, choosing wisely, we step into the higher keep, we grow the higher vibrancy and this higher vibrancy is the source of luck, and increasing the potency of our prayers makes all happen. Now we are the miracle of life. And the last point be heart-centered. Being heart-centered, being a good person, being pristine in light, allowing for the higher nature of us, the angelic being of ours, to make decisions, to create the desire to be the desireless desire, and to celebrate our experience as in being the heavens, and celebrate the realities of heavens as in realities, as in every moment that we unfold, as good luck, in gratitude, in joy in yoga, in the good luck of being here in the now. Oh,